🚀 Live demo: https://waellaataoui-assessment.vercel.app/

📚 Technologies used:

  • Framework : Next.js
  • Styling : Sass
  • Map: Leaflet
  • Deployment: Vercel

🧠 Decisions:

I had to overcome a CORS problem to fetch the data from the server. To do so, I used a self-hosted instance of CORS Anywhere.


If you experience any latency while fetching the data for the first time, it's due to the cold start of the proxy server (I'm using a free service called “Render” to host it), using a Chrome extension like Allow Cors should reflect the real performance of the demo.

The UI :

To favor reusability, I divided the search logic into 2 components, one that handles the data fetching (the Picker component) and the other to get the user's input and to display the options list (the TextInput component). I included a little Mockup that I drew before starting this demo to engineer the logic behind the assessment. Feel free to give it a look if you like. mockup After getting the selected option from the user, the location is displayed into a leaflet map using the corresponding coordinates.