Tasks worked on:
Architect and implement the application to use the MVVM Design Pattern (Clean Swift Code) - All objects are Codable
Master / Detail Screens
Retrieve current Location
Retrieve Weather Details for current location and other cities (in code)
Retrieve Weather Forecast and display horly weather for the day
Retrieve and display all weather conditions
Display weather icons accordingly
Restructure the application code folders structure
Decode and map modles using Codable
Simplify API End Point
Create API Weather Client for the required endpoints
Create custom viesw and use Autolayout
Create custom cells using NIBs
Add a number of extentions including elegant ways to register for UICollectionCellViews, etc..
Add Theme pattern
Added error handling using try,catch blocks in API
Add Localized file
I didn't have time because of work to integrate Carthage for Quick and Nimble - please review other recent code challenges which such as REA (TramTracker for Quick and Nimble unit Test Integration)
I belive I implemented very clean Swift code. I have implemented the hard parts and I am at a point where I can implement a lot more functionalties with a much enhanced UI but only because of time constraints I wasn't able to.
Implemented using Xcode Version 10.2.1 (10E1001) and Swift 5.0