
Solving a Complex Combinatorial Problem using an Evolutionary Algorithm

Primary LanguageJavaScript

1. Introduction

For this assignment, I conceptually break down an NP-Hard combinatorial problem that I formulated - the Travelling Salesman Problem [hereafter: TSP]. I also provide a detailed understanding of the problem, which includes the understanding of the algorithm, data structures and tests I used to execute the problem in Python.

This repository is divided into the following sections:

  1. Combinatorial Problem Formulation
    • The Travelling Salesman Problem
    • Problem Complexity
  2. Intuition of the Algorithm's Operation
    • Pseudocode
    • Steps
  3. PEAS Definition
    • Optimal Path Identification
  4. Python Program
  5. Tests' results and analyses

Deadline: 18th August 2023

Submission date: 14th August 2023

Grade: 9.8/10