Aggregates water level height measurements from rivers and other water bodies across the U.S by receiving text messages with measurements from passerby citizen-scientists
Front-end website URL:
To restart the Django server do: touch /htdocs/www/crowdhydrology_django_backend/crowd_hydrology/crowd_hydrology/
To restart the apache service do (necessary after editing the django.config file):sudo service httpd restart
- contact UB Admin Dave Yearke to perform this command for you.
UB Server URL:
Django backend website URL:
Django server files location: /htdocs/www/crowdhydrology_django_backend/
Django server configuration file location: /etc/httpd/conf.d/django.conf
Other server configurations under the CrowdHydrology project is located at the bottom of: /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
I followed the 'How To Serve Django Applications with Apache and mod_wsgi on Ubuntu 14.04' tutorial to set up the University at Buffalo server. Note that the UB server is Centos 6 REHL, not Ubuntu 14.04.
Contact Dave Yearke at if you need admin / UB server technical support, he is very familiar with the CrowdHydrology work.