
easy show logs pod

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Easy show log pods using kubeconf over multiples cluster k8



download last release from repo https://github.com/waflessnet/termk/releases or can download with script:

Linux Family

wget https://github.com/waflessnet/termk/releases/download/v0.2.2-alpha/termk-linux-amd64 -o /tmp/termk && sudo mv termk-linux-amd64 /usr/local/bin/termk && sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/termk


App work over terminal S.O, call directly binary termk. Termk first search “kubeconfig.conf” in current path. You can indicate the path of a specific conf with kconfig

termk --kconfig ~/.kube/config


can create kubeconfig.conf copy data file config kubernetes in path o root termk, with filename kubeconfig.conf, example:

cp ~/.kube/config kubeconf.conf

then open terminal in path created kubeconf.conf and run termk


Common keys on screens

key description
<enter> enter each item
<backspace> <ctrl-backspace> <esc> return item before
<ctrl-q> delete pod (use carefully)
r update the list of namespaces, pods, logs.
g top
G Buttom
J Down
k up
<C-d> Page Down
<C-u> Page Up
q exit program


Get last 500 record logs POD