
Run Kafka locally without p̵a̵i̵n̵ containers

Primary LanguageNix

Local Kafka

Run a Kafka service locally without containers.


Install the Nix package manager.


Run Zookeeper and a Kafka broker

nix run github:wagdav/local-kafka

Or, If you cloned the repo you can also start everything from the local repo:

nix run

Then, use the official Kafka tools, for example to list the topics:

nix develop --command kafka-topics.sh --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --list

Run a three-broker cluster

Run the following commands in three separate terminal windows

nix run github:wagdav/local-kafka           # ZooKeeper and broker-0
nix run github:wagdav/local-kafka#broker-1  # broker-1
nix run github:wagdav/local-kafka#broker-2  # broker-2