Collection of SAMD development boards, programmers, tools and firmware.
The ArduinoCore adds Arduino IDE support for the SAMD Development Boards as well as support for Generic CMSIS-DAP and SEGGER J-Link programmers.
Development board for the ATSAMD11C14A 32-bit ARM Cortex-M0+ microcontroller with native USB, 3.3V voltage regulator and support for Arduino IDE.
Development board for the ATSAMD11D14A (20-pin SOIC) 32-bit ARM Cortex-M0+ microcontroller with native USB, 3.3V voltage regulator and support for Arduino IDE.
Development board for the ATSAMD21E series of 32-bit ARM Cortex-M0+ microcontrollers with native USB, 32.768 kHz crystal, 3.3V voltage regulator and support for Arduino IDE.
The SWD Programmer Stick is a CMSIS-DAP compliant debugging probe with SWD protocol support based on Free-DAP by Alex Taradov. It can be used to program Microchip SAM and other ARM-based microcontrollers.
The SAMD Programmer Adapter makes it easy to flash SAMD microcontrollers in TQFP-32 or SOIC-14 packages prior to soldering.