
A very simple Android application to show the New World Wonders, according to the New7Wonders Foundation. The main objective of this repository is to create project management documentation according to PMBOK® knowledge areas and process groups.

MIT LicenseMIT

New World Wonders

A very simple Android application to show the New World Wonders location and general information, according to the New7Wonders Foundation. The main objective of this repository is to create project management documentation according to PMBOK® knowledge areas and process groups.

Currently I am a Project Management MBA student at FGV in Brazil, this project will help me to be a better Project Manager in the future, helping me gain experience in the area and improving my English. Feel free to clone this repository and use the documents or templates available in each folder.

Table of Contents

Project Charter

The Project Charter is the document that officially starts the project. The project sponsor (an executive who has authority to allocate financial and human resources to the project) is responsible for creating this document. An overview of the project objetives, requirements, milestones, budgets, premisses and constraints will be shown here.

Economic and Financial Viability


Stakeholders Management


Communications Management


Scope Management


Schedule Management


Cost Management


Project Model Canvas





  • 0.0.1
    • Updated README.
  • 0.0.2
    • Added Project Charter Model;
    • Updated README;
    • Created basic folder structure.

Task List

  • Create first version of README
  • Create basic folder sturcture
  • Create Project Charter
  • Create Viability Study
  • Plan Stakeholder Management
  • Plan Communications Management
  • Plan Scope Management
  • Plan Schedule Management
  • Plan Cost Management
  • Create Project Model Canvas draft
  • Create first prototype
  • Detail items in to-do list =)