
Notes through the book Docker Deep Dive as we read it to prepare for the Docker Certified Associate exam

Meeting Notes


  • Wyn led dicsusion through Docker Deep Dive Chapters 1-4 (see notes below)
  • Next meeting chapters 5-9, 1 chapter each person


  • make list of exercises that will train on hands-on, prod bugs, etc


Docker Deep Dive Notes

  1. Containers from 30,000 feet
    • What are containers, etc
    • Windows vs Linux
  2. Docker
    • Kubernetes - leading orchestrator, needed for managing deployment and running apps
    • Docker Engine - plumbing that runs and orchestrates containers
    • EE vs CE
    • Moby - tools that combine to make Docker daemon. Breaks dDOcekr into modular components. Big infra contributors. Golang.
      • Batteries included but removable
    • Open Container Initiative (OCI) - standardized image format and container runtime
  3. Installing Docker:
    • Windows, Mac, Windows Server 2016, Ubuntu, Docker EE, etc
    • Upgrading Docker:
      • make sure containers have restart policy,
      • drain nodes if needed (using Swarm mode).
      • Steps:
        • Stop Docker daemon, remove old version, install new version, configure new version to auto start when system boots, ensure containers restarted.
    • Docker and storage drivers
      • Every Docker container gets an area of local storage where image layers are stacked and the container filesystem is mounted. By default this is where all container read/write ops occur, making it integral to the perf and stability of every container.
      • Local storage area has been managed by storage driver, which are sometiomes called the graph driver. Docker supports several different storage drivers, each which implements layering and copy-on-write in its own way - impacting perf and stability.
        • Some available drivers:
          • aufs (the original and oldest)
          • overlay2 (probably best choice for future)
          • devicemapper
          • btrfs
          • zfs
        • Windows only supports windowsfilter driver
  4. The Big Picture
    • Ops perspective
      • Docker client,
      • daemon/engine,
      • images, running containers
      • attaching to running containers
      • Dev perspective - containerize app