
A package that contains some cryptography algorithms

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Welcome to my-crypt 👋

Version License: ISC Twitter: waguilars

This package contains some cryptography algorithms


npm install


To start the app in development mode use:

npm run start:dev

To build the project use:

npm run build


All of this examples use the spanish alphabet.

Cesar Encryption

If you encrypt a message without the number of jumps, by default uses 3.

import Cesar from './lib/cesar'

const message = 'Very secure encryption'

// To encrypt a message use encrypt method
const newMessage = Cesar.encrypt(message)
console.log('Encrypted message: ', newMessage) // Must return: Yhub vhfxuh hpfubswlrp

// To decrypt the message use decrypt method
const originalMessage = Cesar.decrypt(newMessage)
console.log('Original message:', originalMessage) // Must return:  Very secure encryption

If you need to set the number of jumps, send as second parameter a number between 0 and 26

const anotherMsg = 'Encrypted Hello world'

// Now use 5 jumps to encrypt
const encrypted = Cesar.encrypt(anotherMsg, 5)
console.log(encrypted) // Jrhwduyji Mjppt btwpi

const decrypted = Cesar.decrypt(encrypted, 5)
console.log(decrypted) // Encrypted Hello world

Vigenere Encryption

import Vigenere from './lib/vigenere'

const msg = 'Vigenere encryption by wilson aguilar'
const key = 'superkey'

const newMsg = Vigenere.encrypt(msg, key)
console.log(newMsg) // Ñcvieñvc whrvpzxghh qc ñroqhh pkmroyk

const originalMsg = Vigenere.decrypt(newMsg, key)
console.log(originalMsg) // Vigenere encryption by wilson aguilar

Polybio Encryption

import Polybio from './lib/polibio'


const newMsg = Polybio.encrypt(msg)
// This returns an array with each character encrypted
// [
//   'DD', 'AE', 'DC', 'DD',
//   'BD', 'CC', 'BB', 'DD',
//   'BC', 'AE', 'CE', 'CD',
//   'CA', 'ED', 'AB', 'BD',
//   'CD', 'CB', 'AE', 'DD',
//   'BC', 'CD', 'AD'
// ]

const original = Polybio.decrypt(newMsg)
console.log(original) // Return the original message but ignore the spaces


👤 Wilson Aguilar waguilars@est.ups.edu.ec

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