
Primary LanguageShell

Probably first open source pool miner for arweave


All operations should be under root (sudo su).

git clone https://github.com/virdpool/miner
cd miner
# for differtent systems use different scripts
# install_ubuntu_20.04.sh can also work for 21.04 and 21.10, pls report me if not
# also works with debian 9

# windows 10:
# wsl install: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/wsl/install-win10
# and this should work with 20.04
# Also note about large pages https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/database-engine/configure-windows/enable-the-lock-pages-in-memory-option-windows?redirectedfrom=MSDN&view=sql-server-ver15

# also there is old alternative install ubuntu 18.04 OTP 23


# needed only if you are previously used ./activate_testnet.sh

cp ./run.sh ./my_run.sh
# consider edit my_run.sh. Edit WALLET and apply perf tuning
# see WALLET="jBcOn4YhEFRVwmwpTodDNTPQ-E74iTOxqMuGGiAJgIc"
# get arweave wallet with instructions https://docs.arweave.org/info/wallets/arweave-web-extension-wallet

# https://docs.arweave.org/info/mining/mining-guide
tune2fs -O large_dir /dev/<your disk with arweave data_dir>


block explorers

pool https://ar.virdpool.com/

sync fast (no mine)

# you should stop previous arweave instance
# ./stop.sh

Run on virdpool_testnet

cp ./run_testnet.sh ./my_run_testnet.sh
# consider edit WALLET and perf tuning

block explorer https://explorer.ar-test.virdpool.com/
pool https://ar-test.virdpool.com/

Stop miner


Update miner

git pull

If you are not root

tl;dr sudo su and fuck linux security system because anybody do that
Ok... you want run it under user... welcome to linux hell...


# Following commands above require sudo unless you are already root
sudo ./install_ubuntu_20.04.sh
# and all other install scripts

activate mainnet or testnet

sudo ./activate_testnet.sh
# OR
sudo ./activate_mainnet.sh

(optional) updates

sudo ./update.sh

nvm and ownership fix

# inside miner directory
sudo chown -R user .
# now you want install nvm under user, because nvm under root will not work for you (NICE)
curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvm-sh/nvm/v0.35.3/install.sh | bash
source ~/.bashrc
source ~/.nvm/nvm.sh
nvm i 14
nvm alias default 14
npm i -g iced-coffee-script
rm -rf node_modules
npm ci

miner start

# and now you are probably ready for launch
# or