
Simple Android Multi-Module App

Primary LanguageKotlin


This Android application demonstrates a modular architecture with MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel) principles, following clean architecture guidelines. It features two primary modules: a listing screen (Module A) and a details screen (Module B). The app is designed to work seamlessly both online and offline, utilizing Room for local database storage and Retrofit for network requests. Dependency injection is managed by Hilt.


  • Modular Architecture: Separate modules for listing and detail screens.
  • MVVM Clean Architecture: Organized code with clear separation of concerns.
  • Room Database: Local caching to ensure offline support.
  • Retrofit Networking: Efficient network requests and data retrieval.
  • Hilt 2: Dependency injection for better code management.
  • Unit Testing: Includes unit tests for critical parts of the application.
  • Simple UI: Basic XML layouts focusing on functionality rather than design.

Technologies Used

  • Kotlin
  • MVVM Clean Architecture
  • Room Database
  • Retrofit
  • Hilt
  • Unit Testing with JUnit
  • XML for UI Design

screen 1 screen 2