python-bittrex is a Python library for the Bittrex API v1.1.
Use this to sell mined coins, write a trading bot or do whatever your heart desires.
Get your API keys from, download and place it in the same directory as your script.
#!/usr/bin/env python
from bittrex import bittrex
api = bittrex('key', 'secret')
print api.getticker('BTC-DOGE')
The example program buys 100 DOGE for the current price and sells them for a higher price. It also shows some other functions.
Check out or read the source code for a full list of functions.
Documentation probably.
If you feel like this library helped you out, feel free to donate.
BTC: 1AndriEykJJsKtj4HCJxPuRx4Prue5tZrh
Addie: (other addreses and QR codes)