
Adds GraphQl support to the `PAY. plugin for Magento2`.

Primary LanguagePHP

PAY. GraphQL Extension for Magento 2


This module adds GraphQL functionality for the PAY. Magento2 plugin


PHP 7.2 or higher
PAY. Magento2 plugin 2.4.0 or higher
Tested up to Magento 2.4.3


On your server's command line, navigate to the installation directory of Magento2 and enter the following commands:

composer require paynl/magento2-graphql
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento cache:clean

The plugin is now installed and ready for use.

Create Authorization token

PAY. GraphQL requests require an ADMIN or INTEGRATION Authorization token to be used.

ADMIN Authorization token
You can create an ADMIN Authorization token by making a POST to the following REST url: http://mymagento.com/rest/all/V1/integration/admin/token?username=MyName&password=MyPassword

An ADMIN Authorization token has a default lifetime of 1 hour, in order to extend the duration you can change this setting in the magento2 backend.
In the backend navigate to Stores -> Configuration -> Services -> OAuth and then expand the Access Token Expiration tab, here you can change the duration of your ADMIN Authorization token.

INTEGRATION Authorization token (Magento 2.4.3 or lower only)
You can create an INTEGRATION token via the magento2 backend.

  • Navigate to System -> Integrations.
  • Then click "Add New Integration" at the top right of the screen.
  • Enter a name for your new integration, and leave the other fields blank (they are optional).
  • Then click "Save" at the top right of the screen.
  • Now in the integration-list, click on Activate on your newly made integration.
  • Then click "Allow" at the top right of the screen.
  • You will now be presented with several codes. Copy past the "Access Token" and Click Done.

Usage and Examples

To see how to use the queries, please check the samples folder.

This GraphQL library consists of queries, mutations and some other classes. They are explained below.


  • paynlGetTransaction
    Retrieve a PAY. transaction status based on the PAY order-ID.
    This query expects pay_order_id as an argument and returns a #paynlGetTransactionOutput


  • paynlStartTransaction
    Start a transaction based on the Magento2 order-ID. This will return a URL with the PAY. transaction.
    This mutation expects order_id and optionally return_url. It will return type #PaynlStartTransactionOutput

  • paynlFinishTransaction
    This mutation closes the Magento quote when the transaction is marked as successfull and also returns the PAY. transaction info.
    As argument it expects the pay_order_id and returns type #paynlGetTransactionOutput


  • paynlGetTransactionOutput
Variable Type Description
orderId String The PAY. order-ID.
state Int The state number.
stateName String The state name.
currency String The currency used in the payment
amount String The amount in cents.
currenyAmount String The amount in cents in the currency.
paidAmount String The paid amount in cents.
paidCurrenyAmount String The paid amount in cents in the currency.
refundAmount String The refunded amount in cents.
refundCurrenyAmount String The refunded amount in cents in the currency.
created String Date of creation.
orderNumber String The order number given by Magento.
isSuccess Boolean True, in case of a successfull payment.
  • PaynlStartTransactionOutput
Variable Type Description
redirectUrl String The PAY. payment URL



Contact us: support@pay.nl