
This magento 2 module aims to add basic graphql support to the paynl module

Primary LanguagePHP

Magento2 Module Paynl Graphql

This module aims to add basic GraphQL support for the paynl module for Magento 2

To use return_url you will need paynl/magento2-plugin version 2.4.0+


To install this module you can run composer require indykoning/module-paynl-graphql

To get the full functionality of setting the return url you should


These are the GraphQL queries this module adds.



This query expects pay_order_id as an argument. It will return #PaynlTransactionOutput



This query expects order_id and optionally return_url. It will return #PaynlStartTransactionOutput


This query expects the pay_order_id. It will return #PaynlTransactionOutput



Variable Type Description
orderId String The Pay order id.
state Int The State number.
stateName String The State name.
currency String The currency used to pay.
amount String The amount in cents.
currenyAmount String The amount in cents in the curency.
paidAmount String The paid amount in cents.
paidCurrenyAmount String The paid amount in cents in the curency.
refundAmount String The refunded amount in cents.
refundCurrenyAmount String The refunded amount in cents in the curency.
created String Created at date.
orderNumber String The Order increment id for the Magento order.
isSuccess Boolean Was the payment successfull.


Variable Type Description
redirectUrl String The url to redirect to the pay checkout.