
This repo contains a Pester script to test/validate Azure ARM Template for common mistakes

Primary LanguagePowerShell

Fork: azure-arm-testing

This is a fork of Leandro's excellent pester tests for ARM templates. I had some issues with linked templates and passwords which reference Key Vault so I've fixed those in this version.

Testing Azure RM Templates with Pester

These repo contains a Pester script to test common mistake when authoring ARM Templates which can help to reduce the development time. The tests are aimed to validate:

  • JSON Structure: it doesn't have syntax errors
  • Referenced Parameters: All parameters referenced in the json file are defined in the parameters section
  • References Variables: All variables referenced in the json file are defined in the variables section
  • Missing opening or closing square brackets/parenthesis: All lines aren't missing any of these two opening/closing symbols
  • Azure API Validation: Use Test-AzureRmResourceGroupDeployment to complete validation against Azure

More details can be found at this blog entry

Use in Azure DevOps

You can use this in Azure DevOps Pipelines using two tasks. First, create an Azure PowerShell task to run the tests:

- task: AzurePowerShell@4
  enabled: true
  displayName: 'Run Pester tests.'
    azureSubscription: $(serviceconnection)
    ScriptType: FilePath
    ScriptPath: '$(deploymentRoot)/Tests/Run-Pester.ps1'
    ScriptArguments: -TestFilePattern '*.tests.ps1'
    azurePowerShellVersion: LatestVersion
  continueOnError: false

And next, publish the test results:

- task: PublishTestResults@2
  displayName: 'Publish Test Results **\TEST-*.xml'
     testResultsFormat: NUnit
     testResultsFiles: '**\TEST-*.xml'
     failTaskOnFailedTests: true

If the tests were successfully published, you'll see something like below:

Azure DevOps screenshot