
Primary LanguagePowerShellMIT LicenseMIT

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The xFailOverCluster DSC modules contains xCluster and xWaitForCluster resources for creating and configuring failover clusters.


Please check out common DSC Resources contributing guidelines.


  • xCluster ensures that a group of machines form a cluster.
  • xWaitForCluster ensures that a node waits for a remote cluster is created.


  • Name: Name of the cluster
  • StaticIPAddress: Static IP Address of the cluster
  • DomainAdministratorCredential: Credential used to create the cluster

xClusterQuorum (Unreleased)

  • IsSingleInstance Always set to Yes to prevent multiple quorum settings per cluster.
  • Type Quorum type to use: NodeMajority, NodeAndDiskMajority, NodeAndFileShareMajority, DiskOnly
  • Resource The name of the disk or file share resource to use as witness. Is optional with NodeMajority type.

xClusterDisk (Unreleased)

  • Number: Number of the cluster disk
  • Ensure: Define if the cluster disk should be added (Present) or removed (Absent)
  • Label: The disk label inside the Failover Cluster


  • Name: Name of the cluster to wait for
  • RetryIntervalSec: Interval to check for cluster existence
  • RetryCount: Maximum number of retries to check for cluster existance
  • Credential: Credential used to join or leave domain



  • xCluster: Fixed bug in which failure to create a new cluster would hang

  • Added xClusterQuorum resource with options NodeMajority, NodeAndDiskMajority, NodeAndFileShareMajority, DiskOnly
  • Currently does not implement cloudwitness for Windows 2016.
  • Added xClusterDisk resource

  • xCluster: Added -NoStorage switch to add-clusterNode. This prevents disks from being automatically added when joining a node to a cluster

  • Removed requirement for CredSSP

  • Initial release with the following resources:
    • xCluster and xWaitForCluster


Cluster example

In this example, we will create a failover cluster from two VMs. We will assume that a Domain Controller already exists, and that both VMs are already domain joined. Furthermore, the example assumes that your certificates are installed such that DSC can appropriately handle secrets such as the Domain Administrator Credential. Finally, the xCluster module must also be installed on the VMs, as specified above. For an example of an end to end scenario, check out the SQL HA Group blog post on the PowerShell Team Blog.

Configuration ClusterDemo
          [PsCredential] $domainAdminCred)

    Node $AllNodes.Where{$_.Role -eq "PrimaryClusterNode" }.NodeName
        WindowsFeature FailoverFeature
            Ensure = "Present"
            Name      = "Failover-clustering"

        WindowsFeature RSATClusteringPowerShell
            Ensure = "Present"
            Name   = "RSAT-Clustering-PowerShell"   

            DependsOn = "[WindowsFeature]FailoverFeature"

        WindowsFeature RSATClusteringCmdInterface
            Ensure = "Present"
            Name   = "RSAT-Clustering-CmdInterface"

            DependsOn = "[WindowsFeature]RSATClusteringPowerShell"

        xCluster ensureCreated
            Name = $Node.ClusterName
            StaticIPAddress = $Node.ClusterIPAddress
            DomainAdministratorCredential = $domainAdminCred

           DependsOn = [WindowsFeature]RSATClusteringCmdInterface


    Node $AllNodes.Where{ $_.Role -eq "ReplicaServerNode" }.NodeName
        WindowsFeature FailoverFeature
            Ensure = "Present"
            Name      = "Failover-clustering"

        WindowsFeature RSATClusteringPowerShell
            Ensure = "Present"
            Name   = "RSAT-Clustering-PowerShell"   

            DependsOn = "[WindowsFeature]FailoverFeature"

        WindowsFeature RSATClusteringCmdInterface
            Ensure = "Present"
            Name   = "RSAT-Clustering-CmdInterface"

            DependsOn = "[WindowsFeature]RSATClusteringPowerShell"

        xWaitForCluster waitForCluster
            Name = $Node.ClusterName
            RetryIntervalSec = 10
            RetryCount = 60

            DependsOn = [WindowsFeature]RSATClusteringCmdInterface 

        xCluster joinCluster
            Name = $Node.ClusterName
            StaticIPAddress = $Node.ClusterIPAddress
            DomainAdministratorCredential = $domainAdminCred

            DependsOn = "[xWaitForCluster]waitForCluster"


$ConfigData = @{
    AllNodes = @(

            NodeName= "*"

            CertificateFile = "C:\keys\Dscdemo.cer"                 # use your own certificate
            Thumbprint = "E513EEFCB763E6954C52BA66A1A81231BF3F551E" # assume both machines have the same certificate to hold private key
                                                                    # replace the value of thumbprint with your own.

            ClusterName = "Cluster"
            ClusterIPAddress = ""    # replace the ipaddress of your own.

         # Node01
            NodeName= "Node01"   # rename to actual machine name of VM
            Role = "PrimaryClusterNode"

         # Node02
            NodeName= "Node02"   # rename to actual machine name of VM
            Role = "ReplicaServerNode"

$domainAdminCred = Get-Credential -UserName "ClusterDemo\Administrator" -Message "Enter password for private domain Administrator"

ClusterDemo -ConfigurationData $ConfigData -domainAdminCred $domainAdminCred