
Beispiele zur API Nutzung öffentlicher Datenbanken

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Beispiele zur API Nutzung öffentlicher Datenbanken

German Census Database - Efficiently Download Data

Latest info on API changes (responses are zip-compressed as of Feb 5th, 2024) and the structure of the flatfile-csv-format (ffcsv).
Contains tested and documented sample code using Pandas/Python

German Census Database - Table of contents

Use catalogue and metadata services from the Genesis API to build a table of contents of the public database. https://github.com/wahlatlas/api/blob/main/census_database_toc.ipynb
Since this may run for about 90 minutes, the resulting Excel files in German/English are provided here as well.

What's new today in the Genesis Database

Evaluate updated statistics using the Genesis rss-feed and then download the respective tables as Excel files

Plot monthly timeseries for electricity trade between Germany and its neighbors

Research official statistics using the API of their public database. Then decide on a table, e.g. 43312-0002 and plot it using matplotlib for each neighbor