Hi there 👋, I'm Atif Qayyum

  • 🌱 I’m currently learning server side rendering, React 18 and applications / use cases of different state management libraries.

  • 🎯 2022 Goals: React 18 | Next.js | Relay | Remix | Web 3.0 | Advanced Automated Testing | CI/CD | Contribute to open source projects | Speaker at JS/React Conferences

  • 🥅 2021 Goals Overview:

    ✅ Advanced React concepts

    ✅ Front-end Security and Performance Optimizations

    ✅ GraphQL

    ✅ Automated Testing

    ❌ Contribute to open source projects

  • Fun fact: I love 🏀 and 🏓

🚨🙋🏼‍♂️ There are a few React projects which are currently private here. If you are interested in how I code, please ping me on LinkedIn or my official email address (atifqayyumarain@hotmail.com) and I will provide access to you to those repositories. Thanks 😊

About me:

A Front-end engineer with more than 5 years of professional experience in JavaScript, TypeScript and front-end development. My main expertise are in JavaScript, TypeScript and React. I have successfully developed and delivered 6 React projects and currently working as a front-end lead at TkXel, Pakistan. I have almost 3 years of experience in React but I am fully in sync with the lately evolved React ecosystem. I have hands-on experience with back-end technologies like Node.js. My goal is to work with my team to make the app development as fast, understandable and elegant as possible.

🚀 Languages and Tools

👉 Programming Language

JavaScript TypeScript

👉 Front-end

React Redux (Redux Thunk and Redux Toolkit) MobX React Router React Query HTML5 CSS3 Sass/SCSS

👉 Front-end Libs

Styled Components EmotionJS Highcharts React graph vis Ramda Storybook Reactstrap PropTypes

👉 Back-end

NodeJS ExpressJS

👉 Database


👉 Unit Testing

Jest React Testing Library

👉 Version Control

Git GitHub GitLab Bitbucket

👉 Deployment

Docker Firebase Webpack

🤝 Connect with me:
