This Human Resource Management System was made using React and Bootstrap amongst other libraries on the frontend and Node.js as well as Express on the backend. As for the database, I used MySQL and Sequelize as the ORM.
- User authentication and authorization with jsonwebtoken and personally developed authentication middleware hoc
- User Password encryption using hashing with bcrypt.js
- Responsive design and use of Bootstrap
- Ability to Manage, Add, Update, Delete:
- Users (Admin, Manager, Employee)
- Departmens
- Job positions
- Applications (leave of absence...)
- Payroll Management:
- Salary details per Employee
- Record payment history
- Expense Management:
- Add expenses
- View sumamry of expenses
- Storage of environmental variables with dotenv
This project has a 70 page documentation (view here), where I analyze the process of information gathering, showcase the Analysis and Design of the api and database and provide a useful User Manual.
Unfortunately this document is in the Greek language. I am working on an Englsih summary. If you are interested in my work, please do contact me so we can arrange a meeting for a live demo and analysis.
username: bill
passowrd: pass123!
Log in and feel free to explore! Better User Manual coming in a few days...
- here along with some other improvements planned.