Webpack4.8.x Config Framework For VueComponent Development

The framework bases on Webpack4.8.x and Vue which can make us develop vue component more qiuckly. Before you are going to code, The framework will prepare basal Webpack's config and Vue's config which you need. After cloning the project, You just input 'npm i' and you can code something after packages are ready.

Getting Started

Download the project from github. Before you go to code, I suggest you change the property of name and description and keywords in package.json.


npm i


npm start:dev

Development Description

Your component file is in 'src/my-component/my-component.vue',


npm build

Building Description

Building files will be putted in dist folder.
The building component bundle is named 'index.js' which can be used as UMD or CMD module.


This project is licensed under the MIT License