
🗣 We present the result of our many years of work, regular updates, fixes and improvements! We started in April 2019 Over the past time, we have received quite a few good reviews and constantly try to keep the quality of our service at the same level.

Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0






  • ⭐️Own code. Our build is not a fork of products already existing on the market.
  • ⭐️The stealer is written in C/C++.
  • ⭐️Our build will give you an excellent response with every spill, because Raccoon is noticed by only a few antiviruses under dynamic test conditions.
  • ⭐️Raccoon collects: passwords, cookies and autofill from all popular browsers (including FireFox x64), CC data, system information
  • ⭐️Almost all existing desktop cryptocurrency wallets, including the Brave browser wallet and the Metamask extension wallet.
  • ⭐️Built-in file downloader.
  • ⭐️Works on both 32 and 64-bit systems without .NET dependencies.
  • ⭐️Output file - Native x86 executable, easy to encrypt.
  • ⭐️Private key, gate address and all other string values are heavily encrypted.
  • ⭐️The stealer stores most of the collected data in RAM, not on disk.
  • ⭐️File grabber.
  • ⭐️Dropper for one or more files with the ability to filter by queries contained in passwords and cookies.
  • ⭐️No need to create a new build when changing the gate! The entire transfer occurs unnoticed by the user.
  • ⭐️Configuration changes occur on the fly. Without rebuilding the build.
  • ⭐️Each build has a unique signature. A person who leaks a build on VT is easily identified and banned from the service without a refund.

The panel supports 3 languages: English, Chinese and Russian