
Log75 is a lightweight and extensible console.log wrapper to organise logs

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT



Log75 is a lightweight and extensible console.log wrapper to organise logs


Importing the module


import Log75, { LogLevel } from 'log75'


const { default: Log75, LogLevel } = require('log75')

Basic usage

const logger = new Log75(LogLevel.Standard)

logger.info('This is a message')


You can pass options to Log75 as the second parameter of the constructor

const logger = new Log75(LogLevel.Standard, {
    color: true
Option Type Default Description
color boolean (auto) Automatically detected
bold boolean inverted Automatically detected
inverted boolean false Set manually
maxTypeLength number 5 See Custom message types


color or bold to false


inverted set to true


Message types

There are 6 message types available out of the box:

  • Blank
  • Debug
  • Done
  • Info
  • Warn
  • Error

Take a look at the log levels to find out at which log level each message type is printed

Custom message types

You can add custom message types by extending the class

You do not need to manually install ansi-colors as it is a dependency of log75


import { magenta, bgMagenta } from 'ansi-colors'

class Log76 extends Log75 {
    custom(string: string): void {
        if (this.logLevel >= LogLevel.Quiet)
            super.print(string, 'CUSTOM', this.inverted ? bgMagenta.black : magenta, console.warn)


const { magenta, bgMagenta } = require('ansi-colors')

class Log76 extends Log75 {
    custom(string) {
        if (this.logLevel >= LogLevel.Quiet)
            super.print(string, 'CUSTOM', this.inverted ? bgMagenta.black : magenta, console.warn)

If your custom message type is longer than 5 characters, you will need to increase maxTypeLength in Log75's options. Set it to the length of your longest message type.

Be sure to use your extended class!

// Note the Log76 here. You are using your extended version
const logger = new Log76(LogLevel.Debug, { maxTypeLength: 6 })

logger.custom('This is a custom message type')


Log levels

There are 4 log levels available

Type Value
Quiet 0
Standard 1
Debug 2
Trace 3

The higher the low level, the more message types will be printed.

Message Quiet Standard Debug Trace
Blank + + + +
Error + + + +
Done + + +
Info + + +
Warn + + +
Debug + +
Trace +


Log75 can create neat looking tables for you!

const table = logger.table(
    'You can make\n' +
    'cool tables!'


For your convenience, it is possible to specify where you want to log it by passing a second parameter.

This accomplishes the same result as the previous example.

const table = logger.table(
    'You can make\ncool tables!',


You can use a string array to have separators.

    'And ones with',
    'a separator\nlonger than one line'
], 'info')


You can also turn objects into tables:

    'And objects': 'can work',
    'too!': 123,
    yes: [ true, false, "sus", 123 ],
}, 'warn')


Possibly breaking changes

v1 -> v2

  • logger.createBox() has been renamed to logger.table()
  • If you pass a string array to logger.table(), it will now have separators. Use array.join('\n') for old behavior
  • The second parameter in the constructor is now an object rather than a boolean

v2 -> v3

  • Blank is now printed at every log level (unlikely to break anything)
  • Debug now prints to console.debug instead of console.log (unlikely to break anything)


This project is licensed under MIT