Brief description

This repository contains various methods to assess the quality of an image and to construct simulated dataset to test tomographic reconstruction algorithms.

The following metrics are included:

  • Mean-Squared-Error (MSE).

  • Peak-Signal-to-Noise-Ratio (PSNR).

  • Structural Similarity Index (SSIM).

  • Normalized Mutual Information (NMI).

  • Image Complexity.

  • Resolution analysis through Edge-Profile-Fitting (EPF).

  • Resolution analysis through Fourier Ring Correlation (FRC).

The following routines to construct simulated datasets are included:

  • Create a Shepp-Logan phantom.

  • Create generic phantoms with analytical X-ray transform.

  • Rescale image.

  • Downsample sinogram.

  • Add Gaussian or Poisson noise.

  • Add Gaussian blurring.


scipy, scikit-image, PIL and h5py.

Test the package

Go inside the folder "data/" and unzip the test dataset: unzip

Then, inside the folder "tests/" try to run one by one the test scripts.

When a plot is produced during the execution of a test, the script is halted until the plot window is manually closed.