
AWS automation with python

Primary LanguagePython


AWS (EC2) auto creation with python3 using boto3

Recommend using with python3

You can find Here for more info

First of all

You need to install boto3 and aws-cli and botocore Run the following comand to install this three packages

pip install boto3 --user
pip install aws-cli --user
pip install botocore

And configure aws-cli

aws configure
AWS Access Key ID [****************]: < YOUT_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID >
AWS Secret Access Key [****************]: < YOUT_AWS_SECRET_KEY >
Default region name []: < REGION_NAME or you can leave blank >
Default output format [None]: < leave blank >


aws_automation.py is all in one package for creating

  • VPC creating
  • Assigning name to vpc
  • Enable public dns in vpc
  • Creating internet gateway
  • Creating routing table and public route
  • Creating subnet
  • Creating security group
  • Generating key for instance login
  • Creating instance with predefined security group
  • Allocating Elastic IP to instance