
data migration service for mysql

Data Migration Project

This project is a distributed migration service for mysql.It includes full data migration, incremental data migration and real-time data check.The service can process big-data migration efficiently,exactly.Our company use it in expansion and shrink of distributed database,disaster recovery and business service updating.

##Flow Chart


##System Frame frame

##Full data migration ####1.Two way for Extract Way 1: Extracting from master directly and controlling IO and Loading of master by configing the threshold.
Way 2: Copying a slave from master and extracting from slave. ####2.Index We rule the table upon 10 thousand rows or 100 mb must has index.Generally we extract data by primary key. ####3.performance We divide a schema into a lot of table tasks and every node process some of these.A master node controls the program of all slave nodes.
For one table data, We divide it into some chunks by index and run some threads to process every chunk.

##Incrmental data migration ####1.log the binlog position Incre service starts by a position which is logged by full data task. ####2.catch incre data We enhanced canal which is a mysql binlog server.Incre service can subscribes binlog position and catches up data from canal by RPC. ####3.performance We choose one thread for one db task in order to the data sequence.We batch pull data and process data to increase performance.

##Full data check ####1.When to start? Incre data service will notify check service starting when it keep migrationg and master in sync. ####2.How to check full data? First logging the binlog position.
Second extracting and chunking data by index.
Finally compareing and repairing data. ####3.How to compare data? Signaturing row data by MD5 and compare target and master.

##Incre data check ####1.When to start? It start from binlog position when full data check finished. ####2.How to compare data? Subscribing target and master,Comparing binlog data in a certian range.
Incre data service log target and master binlog position and notify the incre data check to consume these.

##Distribution and recovery Migration Services use master-slave frame.The master node allocate schedules and transfer the fail task.
Slave node will report progress to master and master save progress.If slave fail,master will choose another node to continue task from the point of interruption.


##介绍 mysql数据同步工具,具有全量、增量迁移、数据校验、可定制等功能。可做到大数据的高效、实时迁移,平滑切换、保证数据无误。我公司内部用于分布式数据库的数据扩容缩容,机房灾备以及业务升级。

##迁移流程 flow-chart

##系统架构 frame

##全量迁移 ####1.Extract的两种方案 方案一 可直接在主库上执行extract,可配置迁移阈值以控制主库上的IO和Load。
方案二,从postion点复制一个slave用于全量同步。 ####2.大数据索引 全量服务,小表(低于10万,容量小于500mb)可选择无索引的复制方式。但大表必须配置索引, Extract默认根据主键批量获取数据。
####3.性能 多节点共同完成迁移工作,以表为最小粒度,由主节点分配。

##增量迁移 ####1.记录position 全量迁移开始需记录binlog的position,增量服务从该节点进行迁移 ####2.增量数据获取 扩展了阿里巴巴的canal服务,通过订阅binlog拉去增量数据。 ####3.性能 需要保持数据顺序行,所以采用单库单线程方式,批量拉数据,批量更新方式。

##全量数据校验 ####1.何时触发 增量迁移服务发现已经追上主库时,通知校验服务开启全量校验。 ####2.全量数据 记录position点,分块,进行merge。 ####3.数据merge 通过查询源库和目标库,对数据进行签名,比较,进行修正。 ##增量数据校验 ####1.何时触发 全量进行完后,根据pos点进行增量校验 ####2.如何merge 订阅源库和目标库binlog,再一定区间内进行比对和校验.
增量迁移会记录两个库binlog位点,校验服务通过notify消费。 ##分布式与容灾 迁移工具采用主从集群架构。主节点用于分配进度和失效转移。