
closed carrot: amarillo's tech hub website

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

🥕 Closed Carrot: Amarillo's Tech Hub

Node.js CI Discord Open Source Love svg1

closed carrot: amarillo's tech hub website

📚 Technologies

  • Node with Express for API
  • MongoDB and Mongoose for database and modeling
  • React with Vite tooling for UI
  • Vitest for unit testing
  • TailwindCSS for rapid styling
  • GitHub Actions for CI/CD
  • SwaggerDocs for API documentation
  • React Query for data fetching on React
  • react-icons for icons
  • adminJS for CRUD operation dashboard

🏭 Enviroment

staging/dev environment


👨‍💻 Getting started

install docker


copy contents inside of .env.example into .env

$ cp .env.example .env

run project

$ docker compose up

wait until you get the following messages.

app            | [EXPRESS] db connection started!
app            | [EXPRESS] Express server is running at http://localhost:8080

visit project at

http://localhost:8081 # with hmr

🌎 URLs

for react built dist with express serving the dist files as static (will be used for prod)


for real time reloading when any css or api file changes (highly recommended)


for api documentation


admin panel for CRUD operation


for local mongodb UI


for email testing


🐳 Docker/Make commands

to start docker containers with output

$ docker compose up        # make up

to start docker containers without output

$ docker compose up -d     # make up-d

to stop docker containers

$ docker compose down      # make down

to view docker containers log (previously must run docker compose up -d)

$ docker compose logs -f    # make log

to clean remove docker containers

$ docker compose down --rmi all   # make clean

to run tests

$ docker compose exec app npm run test   # make test

to run lint

$ docker compose exec app npm run lint    # make lint

to run formatting code

$ docker compose exec app npm run format    # make format

🛠️ Others

Online PNG compression


© License

Distributed under the MIT License © wajeht. See LICENSE for more information.