Grocery List


  • The repository is a "monorepo" with two modules api and frontend.
  • The modules have separate package.json files. We can run tests or start commands in both modules from the main folder using commands npm start and npm test.
  • npm install in the main folder will install all the dependencies in both modules.


  • Frontend boilerplate has been generated using Create React App.
  • I used Redux for state management and Redux Thunk to manage side effects (api calls).
  • There are unit tests for main reducer + tests using React Testing Library for all the components.
  • There is only minimal styling using basic CSS.
  • The frontend adhere to optimistic UI principles.

To improve:

  • more advanced styling (Styled Components or Sass)
  • use PropTypes for prop checks.
  • better handling of server errors (and side effects of optimistic updates ) (rollback, api calls queuing )


  • Api uses simple node express server to serve the api
  • Data is stored in memory.
  • It includes Unit tests.
  • There is no docker, and The api is served via localhost.