Triggerbot for Counter-Strike Global Offensive. Here I am going to show you the basics of making a mini-cheat for csgo. Just a simple triggerbot. Install Visual Studio or some other good editor.
Do not use it to cheat in csgo! It will get you instantly banned! This tutorial is for educational purposes*
To make a triggerbot first you have to install and use ProcMem.
First, create your main.cpp
file and add ProcMem.cpp
, ProcMem.h
from the downloaded .rar file. You do this in Visual Studio by right clicking source files -> Add -> Existing item and choosing ProcMem.cpp
. Then you do exactly the same but in Header Files with ProcMem.h
Next we need to initialize ProcMem in our main file (main.cpp
) so we can use functions in it. Easy, huh?
That's how it looks like in code:
#include "ProcMem.h" // Reads memory
ProcMem Mem; // That's the shortcut
But to actually read our proccess's memory (csgo
) we have to choose a process
Mem.Process("csgo.exe"); // Chooses our process
After we did it we can read memory from it but reading more advanced things like PlayerBase
we need to get the client.dll
DWORD ClientDLL = Mem.Module("client.dll"); // Creates a module we are reading memory from
Now the most boring part, which is offsets of our crosshair and other things like health blah blah... Has to be updated when csgo updates. I was making this triggerbot with the CS Warzone version, so change the offsets. Just google it
// HAS to be updated when counter strike is updated.
const DWORD playerBase = 0xA68A14;
const DWORD entityBase = 0x4A0B0C4;
const DWORD crosshairOffset = 0x23F8;
// Doesn't require updating
const DWORD teamOffset = 0xF0;
const DWORD healthOffset = 0xFC;
const DWORD EntLoopDist = 0x10;
So now we to have get information about yourself. You are the LocalPlayer. To get information about LocalPlayer we have to read client.dll
. client.dll
has most information about us and our enemies/teammates.
// As i said, LocalPlayer (You)
DWORD LocalPlayer = Mem.Read<DWORD>(ClientDLL + PlayerBase);
// That is our teammates
int LocalTeam = Mem.Read<int>(LocalPlayer + teamOffset);
// That's our crosshair ID, we will use it for reading what's "in our crosshair"
int CrossHairID = Mem.Read<int>(LocalPlayer + CrosshairOffset);
After that we have to create a Triggerbot function. I will make it shorter and just name it Bot. We have to read memory which is required to make the triggerbot work
void Bot()
DWORD EnemyInCH = Mem.Read<DWORD>(ClientDLL + EntityBase + ((CrossHairID - 1) * EntLoopDist)); // CH is just crosshair btw
int EnemyHealth = Mem.Read<int>(EnemyInCH + healthOffset); // Enemy in our crosshair
int EnemyTeam = Mem.Read<int>(EnemyInCH + teamOffset); // Enemy in crosshair's team, we need it to distinguish are we aiming at the enemy or the teammate does. Logic.
Now for the if
s. To don't make it shoot at our "friends" here is the first one
if (LocalTeam != EnemyTeam)
// left click or just shoot lol
But notice that our triggerbot is gonna shoot death bodies/enemies with 0 health. Here is how we can do it. We are just gonna check is EnemyHealth higher than 0 if is then shoot. We will get to the shooting later.
if (EnemyHealth > 0)
// left click or just shoot lol
For the gods of c++ we will make the code "prettier"
if (LocalTeam != EnemyTeam && EnemyHealth > 0)
// shoot
That's almost everything. BUT WAIT! It does not shoot! Because it's only memory reading triggerbot. Now we are gonna make it click/shoot instead of forcing it through writing memory. We will be using mouse_event
. Check mouse_event on MSDN and just try to get it. I get it after watching a tutorial. But anyways, there is the full code. NOTE If you do not understand something go back and try again.
void Bot()
DWORD EnemyInCH = Mem.Read<DWORD>(ClientDLL + EntityBase + ((CrossHairID - 1) * EntLoopDist));
int EnemyHealth = Mem.Read<int>(EnemyInCH + healthOffset);
int EnemyTeam = Mem.Read<int>(EnemyInCH + teamOffset);
if (LocalTeam != EnemyTeam && EnemyHealth > 0)
// Add a little delay yourself by Sleep()
// You can use Sleep() here too, that line is made for autos like ak47. Not useful with pistol
// Now you can make a cooldown beetween shots using Sleep() again.
Now our final part, just add the triggerbot to your main in a loop
int main()
// Add a Sleep() here if you want some optimization