Translation tools - myGengo job manager

* Install

  $ git clone git://
  $ cd translator-mygengo
  $ git submodule update --init
  $ make
  $ cp config/mysql/dsns.json.sample config/mysql/dsns.json
  $ cp config/warabe/ config/warabe/
  $ cp config/translator/repo.json.sample config/translator/repo.json
  $ cp config/mygengo/account.json.sample config/mygengo/account.json
  $ ... edit these config files ...

* Usage

  $ MYGENGO_CLIENT_MYSQL_DSNS_JSON=config/mysql/dsns.json \
    MYGENGO_CLIENT_TRANSLATION_REPOSITORY_JSON=config/translator/repo.json \
    MYGENGO_CLIENT_MYGENGO_ACCOUNT_JSON=config/mygengo/account.json \
    plackup bin/server.psgi

* See also

Human Translation, Translation Services and Translation API | myGengo

Translation API - Integrate professional translation directly into
your applications. <>.

* Author

Wakaba <>.

* License

Copyright 2012 Wakaba <>.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.