
It's the api for the front-end Kuizu.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Skylab NodeJS ExpressJS Socket.io npm MongoDB Monogoose ES6

This is the back-end of Kuizu, you can check front here!!

What is Kuizu-API?

Kuizu-API is the part of back-end that needs the front of Kuizu project.

Pre-requisites and how to install it

  • 1º: Install NodeJS with npm
  • 2º: Configure the env file
  • 3º: Run this in console to install the packages -> npm i -S
  • 4º: Now you can start the api with -> npm start

If you need more information about the scripts, check nodejs.

Configuration env file

You need to create an .env file in the project root with the following environment variables configured:

  • PORT:

    PORT = 3005
  • URL TO DB:

    URL_DB = mongodb://...


This project was made by Jesé Ramon Barcones