
A home for all PHP-Usergroups

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


An international meeting-point for the PHP-Community.


This Website provides a location for PHP usergroups worldwide to advertise their existence, their meetings and their contact-details.

For that we include a map on the frontpage that displays every registered location worldwide. The User can then select the nearest UG and see the relevant informations like next meeting and contact-informations

From their you can jump to their website immediately

Also a shortlink is provided for every UG so their website can be reached using a URL like http://php.ug/ffm or http://ffm.php.ug for the Usergroup at Frankfurt/Main in Germany or http://php.ug/benelux or http://benelux.php.ug for the UG in the Benelux-Countries.

For that every Usergroup can register by providing a unique identifier (ffm or benelux), a website and some contact-informations (mainly email, but twitter, facebook or Chat are also possible) and a location where (or around where) the meetings are held. Currently simply provide the informations via the contact-form on the website.

You will be able to log in using any social plattform account associated with your usergroup to edit entries of your usergroup. As long as this is not implemented, please also use the contact-form

All Usergroups will have to verify their existence at least once a year so we can archive inactive groups.

The meeting schedule will be retrieved on a regualr basis from an iCalendar-File the usergroup can provide on their Website. That makes it easier to maintain a consistent Dataset of the schedules as the UG only needs to maintain their local calendar and this website will retrieve that information. If no URL to that calendar is given, then no meeting-schedule will be displayed. This feature is not yet implemented. Any volunteers are welcome!

NO statistics will be provided.


The registering usergroups will not have to pay for this service!

All costs are currently covered by the team-members. But - of course - donations to pay the bills are always welcome. For more information on donating either use the contact form or contact any one of the team by PM

Also help by coding the stuff behind is highly appreciated!


This website will run with PHP (really?) Version 5.3+. I intend to build the app using the recent version of ZendFramework 2 which is (as far as I recall from memory) ZF2.0.4. But other Ideas are welcome!

Used Modules currently are:

  • DoctrineORMModule
  • DoctrineModule,
  • OrgHeiglMailproxy and
  • OrgHeiglContact

This project is hosted on github at http://github.com/php-ug/php.ug