In this repo we scrape data from worldometer, which contains the latest world population by country upto 2020

The spider used to extract the data run on scrapy basic spider, to run the spider run the following

scrapy crawl worldometers_scraping_data_from_multiple_links_spider

Our focus is the trend in changes of the African population

Extracted data was preprocessed in R and data visualization was performed using R ggplot2

We explored the population changes between 1955 - 2020. We also explored the trend of the kenya urban population over the same period.

African Population Trend between 1955 - 2020: Top 10 Countries


Kenyan Urban Population Trend between 1955 - 2020


African Median Age Between 1955 - 2020

African Median Aged

  • Median age is highest in Mauritius and Reunion both of which are islands - increasing significantly from 1955 to 2020
  • Median Age is Lowest in West African Countries (Chad and Male) and Central African Countries( Sao Tome, and Principles, Central African Republic, and Gabon - decreasing significantly from in 2020
  • Among the countries, Chad had the youngest median age in 2020

Fertility Rate Change in Africa Between 1955 - 2020

Fertility Rate

  • we could expect the fertility rate to decrease in the countries - The data indicate that in fact, the fertility rate has actually decreased
  • However, some countries experienced a very high decrease in the fertility rate from 1955 to 2020 while others had a very low decrease
  • In the fertility chart above, the top 20 countries with the lowest difference in fertility rate in 1955 and 2020
  • All the countries have a fertility rate higher than 3.5 for both 1955 and 2020
  • Gabon and DR Congo had the smallest change in fertility

Urban Population Changes between 1960 and 2019

Urban Population - Slope Graph