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Setup and run Flutter app

  • Setup Flutter based on your operating system
  • Make sure you follow all the steps above and have an all-green output of flutter doctor command.
  • Install and run Anroid Studio once
  • (For iOS) Install XCode from AppStore
  • You can use Android Studio, IntelliJ Idea, or VSCode for Flutter development
  • Install Flutter plugin in your chosen IDE
  • Clone this repository using git clone https://github.com/tendermint/flutter.git
  • To run it on your localhost environment, you will just have to run main.dart file in your project. That can be done directly by clicking on the play button in your IDE, or by running flutter run from the root of your project. This will run the app on any device or simulator connected to your system
  • If you're running the app on real device instead of emulator/simulator or want to taget a specific blockchain run on a remote machine, make sure to specify proper urls and ports when running the app. Here is an example for running the app on cosmos hub testnet:

Please run with:

flutter run --dart-define=LCD_URL=https://api.testnet.cosmos.network --dart-define=LCD_PORT=443 --dart-define=GRPC_URL=https://grpc.testnet.cosmos.network --dart-define=GRPC_PORT=443

I have been able to perform a swap using the CLI tool but not the api:

gaiad tx liquidity swap 14 1 100000uphoton ibc/070B20BE0D1576B9AFBF54428BDF092B26B0D43B84D0EF1E779CBE8240000355 1000 0.003 --from alice --chain-id cosmoshub-testnet --gas-prices "0.03uphoton" --node https://testnet.cosmos.network:443
