Software Engineer | Teaching Assistant at Zewail City
Faculty of Computers and Artificial Intelligence Cairo universityGiza, Egypt
walaasoudy's Followers
- 1000167037
- Ad7amsteinFaculty of Computers and Artificial Intelligence - Cairo University
- aminazeyad1Cairo, Egypt
- AyA-EhaB
- dinaalaa25Cairo University - Faculty of Computers and Artificial Intelligence
- Hadeer-Adel729
- HG2020555
- kariiman-aymanFaculty of Computers & Artificial Intelligence, Cairo University
- MariamTakooFaculty of Computers and Artificial Intelligence - Cairo University
- MarwaShaaban20Student at Faculty of Computers and Artificial Intelligence - Cairo University (FCAI)
- MayarEbrahimFaculty of Computers and Artificial Intelligence - Cairo University
- Mena-Adel20Faculty of Computers and Artificial Intelligence - Cairo University
- mennatullahkransho
- MrSa3dolaFaculty of Computers and Artificial Intelligence - Cairo University
- nadaahmed2001Giza,Egypt
- nadahkhaleddCairo, Egypt
- NadaMamdouh2
- Naderbekir88@CATReloaded
- nourhan031Egypt
- omargawdatERAMSOFT
- OmniaFaresCairo, Egypt
- rahmaelsayedddd
- Rana-Osama
- RanaEssam03Cairo University
- ReemAymFaculty of Computers and Artificial Intelligence- Cairo University
- rehamrashadFaculty of Computers and Artificial Intelligence - Cairo University
- sahar-hamdiStudent at Faculty of Computers Science and Artificial Intelligence
- saraelshaerDamietta University
- SaraMohamed10
- Shahdabdalla123
- silvanajackoubFaculty of Computers and Artificial Intelligence - Cairo University
- SohailaDiabCairo University - Faculty of Computers and AI
- Walaaali782Egypt
- yaramuhammad