
Video Tracking Framework for the Analysis of Animal Behavior - Core Component

Primary LanguageC++


Running Biotracker 3 from prebuild binaries:

Binaries are distributed via Github: https://github.com/BioroboticsLab/biotracker_core/releases

Build dependencies

Building the Biotracker 3 needs:

  • opencv build (>3.0)
  • QT build (>= 5.4)
  • Boost build
  • CMake GUI (any version should be OK, but boost detection may vary)

Building Biotracker 3 (Windows x64)

Note: Building with NVEnc is comming soon. Meanwhile ignore "HMNVLibDir=Not Found", it will build with CPU encoding only.

Install and configure the dependencies. E.g. use vcpkg: https://github.com/BioroboticsLab/RF_vcpkg
Get the boost packages:
vcpkg install boost-property-tree:x64-windows-14.13 boost-bimap:x64-windows-14.13 boost-assign:x64-windows-14.13 boost-system:x64-windows-14.13 boost-filesystem:x64-windows-14.13 boost-chrono:x64-windows-14.13 boost-timer:x64-windows-14.13 boost-program-options:x64-windows-14.13
vcpkg install openblas:x64-windows-14.13 opencv[opengl,ffmpeg,ximea,cuda]:x64-windows-14.13
... and Qt systemwide using Qt5_dir
Now call cmake with some switches to include vcpkg: -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=C:/RF_vcpkg/scripts/buildsystems/vcpkg.cmake -DVCPKG_TARGET_TRIPLET=x64-windows-14.13
... and build. You might need to copy flang DLL files, as their vcpkg integration is not yet complete.

Congratulations! You build the Biotracker 3!

Building Biotracker 3 (Linux)

Having set all the library paths you can build it just like any cmake project:
git clone https://github.com/BioroboticsLab/biotracker_core.git
cd biotracker_core
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ../BioTracker

Building Biotracker 3 (OSX)

Technically the Biotracker should build using the CMake toolchain and run on OSX. This is not officially supported, though.