C++/WinRT Main.cpp is no longer compatible with latest base.h
walbourn opened this issue · 2 comments
After adding Microsoft.Windows.CppWinRT package 2.0.190425.5 to the UWP template project I get the following compile errors:
1>d:\source\gameproj\gameproj\generated files\winrt\base.h(8945): error C3246: 'winrt::impl::heap_implements<D>': cannot inherit from 'ViewProvider' as it has been declared as 'final'
1> with
1> [
1> D=ViewProvider
1> ] (compiling source file Source\Main.cpp)
1>d:\source\gameproj\gameproj\source\main.cpp(20): note: see declaration of 'ViewProvider' (compiling source file Source\Main.cpp)
1>d:\source\gameproj\gameproj\generated files\winrt\base.h(2005): note: see reference to class template instantiation 'winrt::impl::heap_implements<D>' being compiled
1> with
1> [
1> D=ViewProvider
1> ] (compiling source file Source\Main.cpp)
1>d:\source\gameproj\gameproj\source\main.cpp(377): note: see reference to function template instantiation 'auto winrt::make<ViewProvider,>(void)' being compiled
1>d:\source\gameproj\gameproj\source\main.cpp(395): error C2259: 'ViewProviderFactory': cannot instantiate abstract class
1>d:\source\gameproj\gameproj\source\main.cpp(395): note: due to following members:
1>d:\source\gameproj\gameproj\source\main.cpp(395): note: 'void winrt::implements<ViewProviderFactory,winrt::Windows::ApplicationModel::Core::IFrameworkViewSource>::use_make_function_to_create_this_object(void)': is abstract
1>d:\source\gameproj\gameproj\generated files\winrt\base.h(9050): note: see declaration of 'winrt::implements<ViewProviderFactory,winrt::Windows::ApplicationModel::Core::IFrameworkViewSource>::use_make_function_to_create_this_object'
Prior to adding the package (and I assume using winrt headers in the Win 10 SDK) I did not get this error, however VS Intellisense didn't like the call to Run()
One of the errors can be solved by removing final
from ViewProvider
however I'm too much of an UWP/WinRT n00b to figure out the other error.
Visual Studio version 15.9.11
Windows 10 SDK 10.0.17763.0
Project target platform 10.0.17763.0
Project min platform 10.0.15063.0
Originally reported here
The solution provided by trojanfoe is thankfully easy and still compatible with older versions of C++/WinRT base.h:
from ViewProvider and ViewProviderFactory. -
Use the following code to run CoreApplication:
auto viewProviderFactory = winrt::make<ViewProviderFactory>();
Fixed in this commit.