
In this repository I've gather some useful programs, tutorials and websites, that will help me to learn Ruby on Rails programming.

Primary LanguageRuby

Learning Ruby on Rails

In this repository I've gather some useful programs, tutorials and websites, that will help me to learn Ruby on Rails programming.
Ruby on Rails ( just “Rails”) is a free and open-source web devel-opment framework written in the Ruby programming language.


Rubular - testing regex

Ruby Tutorial PDF - online

Rails and Yarn instalation

Ruby gem instalation:

gem install rails -v6.0.2.1  

Checking version of rails:

rails -v   

Instalation of NVM - Node Version Manager:

wget -qO- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvm-sh/nvm/v0.37.2/install.sh | bash  

Nodejs instalation:

sudo apt install nodejs    

NPM instalation:

sudo apt install npm    


sudo apt install cmdtest  

Yarn instalation:

sudo apt update && sudo apt install yarn  

Binding pry

before_action do  