Source code for the Igniteinator – an unoffical app for the board game Ignite.
The Igniteinator is a fan-made app for Ignite, a deck builder board game. The code could be abstracted and made into a library (which I shall call Deckbuildinator) but for now it's all about Ignite.
The data are originally based on a now non-existent official app (cf. the gen-data/archive
folder for how the data was processed and developed). Images have been kindly provided by Ginger
Snap Gaming.
It is not possible to set up a development environment from scratch because the images are not included in the repository. If you want to contribute, please contact me and I will create scripts for downloading the data from the currently deployed Igniteinator.
Run once to install npm packages:
$ npm install
If deploying: Symlink to
Poor mans rsync.
To ensure that the service worker is functioning without bypassing security a certificate is generated and registered. The process needs to be repeated after a couple of months (the symptom is that Chrome complains that the server cannot be reached).
Delete the old certificate, if any:
$ rm -r ~/_certifiable_certs/localhost-.../
Generate a new certificate for localhost:
$ lein run -m certifiable.main
Then symlink to the generated file referenced in main.cljs.edn
$ rm -f dev-keystore.jks && ln -s ~/_certifiable_certs/localhost-.../dev-server.jks
In Chrome: Go to Settings - Manage certificates and choose
. If you are renewing the certificate, first delete the org-Certifiable dev root
authority. Then click Import
and choose
, choose Trust this certificate for identifying websites
and click OK
Forget adding the certificate in Android; it doesn't work.
To get an interactive development environment with Figwheel:
$ lein fig:dev
To clean all compiled files:
$ lein clean
To test out doing a production build:
$ ./ --no-tag --no-deploy
All data and images are Copyright © 2021, Ginger Snap Gaming. Used in the Igniteinator by permission.
Thus, forking the project does not give you permission to publish another version of the app. You will need to get permission from Ginger Snap Gaming.
Copyright © 2021 Daniel Lundsgaard Skovenborg
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.