
A curated list of illumination estimation papers and resources.

Awesome-Illumination-Estimation Awesome

A curated list of illumination estimation papers and resources.

Table of Contents


SV:Spatially-Varying, ID:Indoor, OD:Outdoor, E:Editable

Learning-based Methods

Indoor Scenes:

Year Venue Paper Repo Data SV ID OD
2023 ArXiv Towards a Perceptual Evaluation Framework for Lighting Estimation Proj
2023 ICCV EverLight: Indoor-Outdoor Editable HDR Lighting Estimation Proj
2023 ICCV Beyond the Pixel: a Photometrically Calibrated HDR Dataset for Luminance and Color Prediction Proj & Code LavalPhotometricIndoorHDR
2023 ArXiv Local-to-Global Panorama Inpainting for Locale-Aware Indoor Lighting Prediction
2022 ECCV Stylelight: Hdr panorama generation for lighting estimation and editing Code LavalIndoorHDR
2022 ECCV Physically-based Editing of Indoor Scene Lighting from a Single Image Proj & Code OpenRooms
2022 ECCV Editable indoor lighting estimation Proj LavalIndoorHDR
2021 ICCV Sparse needlets for lighting estimation with spherical transport loss Code LavalIndoorHDR
2021 CVPR HDR environment map estimation for real-time augmented reality Code LavalIndoorHDR
2021 AAAI Emlight: Lighting estimation via spherical distribution approximation Code LavalIndoorHDR
2020 ECCV PointAR: Efficient Lighting Estimation for Mobile Augmented Reality Code Matterport3D
2020 CVPR Lighthouse: Predicting lighting volumes for spatially-coherent illumination Code InteriorNet
2019 ICCV Deep parametric indoor lighting estimation Proj LavalIndoorHDR
2019 CVPR Fast spatially-varying indoor lighting estimation Proj LavalIndoorSVHDR
2019 CVPR Deeplight: Learning illumination for unconstrained mobile mixed reality Proj Capture
2019 CVPR Neural illumination: Lighting prediction for indoor environments Proj Matterport3D
2017 SIGGRAPH Learning to predict indoor illumination from a single image Proj LavalIndoorHDR

Ourdoor Scenes:

Year Venue Paper Repo Data SV ID OD
2023 ArXiv DiffusionLight: Light Probes for Free by Painting a Chrome Ball Proj & Code
2022 ECCV Neural Light Field Estimation for Street Scenes with Differentiable Virtual Object Insertion Proj
2022 ECCV Estimating Spatially-Varying Lighting in Urban Scenes with Disentangled Representation Code
2021 ICCV Hierarchical disentangled representation learning for outdoor illumination estimation and editing
2021 CVPR Spatially-varying outdoor lighting estimation from intrinsics Video
2019 CVPR Deep Sky Modeling for Single Image Outdoor Lighting Estimation Proj
2019 CVPR All-weather deep outdoor lighting estimation Proj
2017 ICCV Learning high dynamic range from outdoor panoramas Proj

Inverse-rendering based Methods:

Year Venue Paper Repo Data SV ID OD
2023 ArXiv Diffusion Reflectance Map: Single-Image Stochastic Inverse Rendering of Illumination and Reflectance Proj
2023 T-PAMI SPLiT: Single Portrait Lighting Estimation Via a Tetrad of Face Intrinsics
2023 SIGGRAPH Asia Diffusion Posterior Illumination for Ambiguity-aware Inverse Rendering Proj
2023 ArXiv PSDR-Room: Single Photo to Scene using Differentiable Rendering
2023 ICCV FIPT: Factorized Inverse Path Tracing for Efficient and Accurate Material-Lighting Estimation Proj & Code FIPT-data
2023 CVPR MAIR: Multi-view Attention Inverse Rendering with 3D Spatially-Varying Lighting Estimation Proj OpenRoom FF
2023 CVPR Multi-view Inverse Rendering for Large-scale Real-world Indoor Scenes Proj & Code Dataset
2022 SIGGRAPH Asia Learning-based Inverse Rendering of Complex Indoor Scenes with Differentiable Monte Carlo Raytracing Proj & Code InteriorVerse
2022 ECCV Physically-Based Editing of Indoor Scene Lighting from a Single Image Proj & Code OpenRoom
2022 CVPR IRISformer: Dense Vision Transformers for Single-Image Inverse Rendering in Indoor Scenes Code OpenRoom
2022 CVPR PhyIR: Physics-based Inverse Rendering for Panoramic Indoor Images Proj FutureHouse
2021 ICCV Learning indoor inverse rendering with 3d spatially-varying lighting Proj InteriorNet
2020 CVPR Inverse rendering for complex indoor scenes: Shape, spatially-varying lighting and svbrdf from a single image Code OpenRoom

Capture-based Methods

Year Venue Paper Repo Data SV ID OD
2023 ArXiv Accidental Light Probes Proj Capture
2022 ArXiv ORCa: Glossy Objects as Radiance Field Cameras Proj Polarimetric
2021 ICCV Objects as cameras: Estimating high-frequency illumination from shadows hdrihaven.com & Capture
2021 CVPR Indoor lighting estimation using an event camera Capture
2020 ECCV Object-based illumination estimation with rendering-aware neural networks Proj Collect


  • Laval Photometric Indoor HDR Dataset [link]
  • Laval Outdoor HDR Dataset [link]
  • Laval Indoor HDR Dataset [link]
  • Laval Indoor Spatially Varying HDR Dataset [link]
  • Laval Face & Lighting HDR Dataset [link]
  • OpenRooms Dataset [link]
  • FutureHouse Dataset [link]
  • InteriorVerse: Large-scale Photorealistic Indoor Scene Dataset [link]


  • AIM 2020: Scene Relighting and Illumination Estimation Challenge @ECCV [link] [Paper]
  • Illumination Estimation Challenge 2019, 2020 @ISPA [link] [Paper]