Code for PNRNet: Physically-inspired Neural Rendering for Any-to-Any Relighting.

Primary LanguagePython


Code for PNRNet: Physically-inspired Neural Rendering for Any-to-Any Relighting.

Method Overview

We present a deep learning-based method that incorporates the physical principles of image formation into our neural rendering design, with the aim of eliminating the task-aliasing effects and maintaining the attached-shadow details.


Examples results: results

Dependencies and Installation

This code requires PyTorch 1.7+ and python 3+. Also, please install other dependencies by

pip install -r requirements.txt


Test our pretrained model on the NTRIE 2021 Relighting Track2 validation set.

You should set a config file in configs/config_test.json, and run as following:

python test.py

Before running the above script, you need to download the [pretrained model] (code: n3ne) and put it in the folder pretrained_models.

You also need to download the NTRIE 2021 Track2 [validation set] (code: 0td8) and unzip it to the folder Datasets/NTIRE2021_Challenge.


Train three sub-networks (i.e., LENet, CTTNet and LDTNet) on the NTRIE 2021 Relighting Track2 training set separately.

Data Preparation

You should download the [train data] and unzip it to the folder Datasets/NTIRE2021_Challenge.

We also provide [normal map] (code: hv5w) and [position map] (code: ir2f). Download and put them in the folder Datasets/NTIRE2021_Challenge/track2_train.

Training LENet

Set a config file in configs/config_lenet.json, and run as following:

python train_lenet.py

Training CTTNet

Set a config file in configs/config_cttnet.json, and run as following:

python train_cttnet.py

Training LDTNet

Set a config file in configs/config_ldtnet.json, and run as following:

python train_ldtnet.py


If you use this code or these models in your research, please cite:

  title={{PNRNet}: Physically-inspired Neural Rendering for Any-to-Any Relighting},
  author={Hu, Zhongyun and Nsampi, Ntumba Elie and Wang, Xue and Wang, Qing},
  journal={IEEE Transactions on Image Processing},


Part of the codes benefit from DPR and GridDehazeNet.


If you have any questions, please contact zy_h@mail.nwpu.edu.cn.