
A JavaScript runtime optimized for the applications that power IoT devices.

Primary LanguageC

KinomaJS Open Source Build


The build system for KinomaJS open source software supports building for Mac OS X, iOS, Android, Linux, and Windows targets. The build system runs on Mac OS X (Yosemite and later), Windows (7+) and Linux (Ubuntu 14.04). This document describes the host build environment required to build KinomaJS for each supported target platform, and the commands used to build an application.

KinomaJS applications are defined by a manifest.json file which contains the build options, a list of the extensions required by the application, and packaging instructions.

The kprconfig6 tool generates build instructions from the application's manifest.json file. kprconfig6 generates instructions for a command-line build for all targets, and an IDE project file for Windows, Mac OS X, and iOS.

The steps for building are:

  1. Set-up your host build environment
  2. Build the XS6 tools
  3. Build your KinomaJS application

The host build environment is set-up on the computer used to perform the build.

  • Building KinomaJS for Mac OS X and iOS requires a Mac OS X build host.
  • Building KinomaJS for Android also requires a Mac OS X build host.
  • Building KinomaJS for Linux (e.g. GTK destkop, Kinoma Create) requires a Linux build host.
  • Building KinomaJS for Windows requires a Windows build host.
  • Building KinomaJS for Element (MW302) requires a Mac OS X build host.

The host build environment is set up once. Instructions for setting up the host build environment for each target platform are below.

Once the host build environment is set-up, the next step is to build the XS6 tools. These tools interpret the manifest.json file that defines an application to generate build instructions. The XS6 tool used to build applications is kprconfig6.

Using kprconfig6

To invoke kprconfig6 to build a KinomaJS application:

kprconfig6 -x -m -p <platform> <path-to-manifest.json>

To build a debug version of the application:

kprconfig6 -d -x -m -p <platform> <path-to-manifest.json>

Where <platform> is one of: mac, ios, android, linux/aspen (for Kinoma Create), linux/gtk, or win.

The package created by the build is located in ${F_HOME}/bin/<platform>/<build-type>/.tgz (or .app, .ipa, .apk, etc. depending on target platform).

Use -clean to clean the target application and platform.

kprconfig6 -x -m -p <platform> <path-to-manifest.json> -clean

Use -cleanall to clean all applications and all platforms.

kprconfig6 -cleanall

kprconfig6 Options

General Options

  • -a: application name
  • -p: platform name
  • -v: verbose
  • -clean: clean the build for a particular application/platform
  • -cleanall: clean the build for all platforms/applications

Debug Options

  • -c: debug or release configuration
  • -d: debug build (same as "-c debug")
  • -i: enable instrumentation
  • -l: debug memory leaks
  • -X: support xsdebug

Build Options

  • -I: use the CMake generated IDE (sets -x)
  • -g: sets CMake generator (build tool used)
  • -m: build the application after generating the make files
  • -x: use CMake build

iOS Options

  • -csi: code signing identity to use on iOS
  • -pp: provisioning profile for iOS

Output Options

  • -b: bin directory
  • -o: output directory to place default bin and tmp directories
  • -t: tmp directory

Mac OS X Target


Building KinomaJS for Mac OS X uses a computer running Mac OS X as the build host.

On Mac OS X, the KinomaJS build uses Homebrew to manage installation and maintenance of CMake.

Set-up your host build environment

  1. Install the current version of Xcode from Apple's App Store. (As of the writing of this document, that is version 7.2) After installing, run Xcode to accept the license agreement and install any required additional components.

  2. Install Homebrew (http://brew.sh/)

     $ ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"
     $ brew install caskroom/cask/brew-cask
  3. Install CMake

     $ brew install cmake
  4. Get a copy of the KinomaJS source code. It can be downloaded using your web browser from the KinomaJS repository on GitHub or using the git command line tool:

     $ git clone https://github.com/kinoma/kinomajs.git
  5. Set up two environment variables to point to the source tree.

     $ export F_HOME=/path/to/kinomajs
     $ export XS6=${F_HOME}/xs6

Build the XS6 tools

    $ cd ${XS6}
    $ mkdir tmp
    $ cd tmp
    $ cmake ${XS6}
    $ cmake --build . --config Release

Update the PATH environment variable to include the path to the XS6 tools:

    $ export PATH=${PATH}:${XS6}/bin/mac/Release

Optional: Build xsbug, a graphical debugger used as an alternative to the Kinoma Studio debugger.

    $ kprconfig6 -p mac -x -m ${XS6}/xsbug/manifest.json

The xsbug application is located at ${F_HOME}/bin/mac/Release/xsbug.app

Build your KinomaJS Application

Build the Balls sample application that is included in the KinomaJS respository.

    $ cd ${F_HOME}
    $ kprconfig6 -x -m -p mac ${F_HOME}/kinoma/kpr/applications/balls/manifest.json

The balls application is located at ${F_HOME}/bin/mac/Release/Balls.app

Linux GTK Target


Building KinomaJS for Linux/GTK requires a Linux build host. We use Ubuntu 14.04 on VirtualBox (on Mac OS X); other similar distributions have also been successfully used.

Set-up your host build environment

  1. Install the developer tools and CMake

     $ sudo apt-get install build-essential checkinstall
     $ sudo apt-get install libgtk-3-dev libasound2-dev zlib1g-dev
     $ sudo apt-get install cmake
  2. If you are using a 64-bit Linux distribution as a build host, install 32-bit libraries

     $ sudo apt-get install zlib1g:i386 lib32stdc++6
  3. Get a copy of the KinomaJS source code. It can be downloaded using your web browser from the KinomaJS repository on GitHub or using the git command line tool:

     $ git clone https://github.com/kinoma/kinomajs.git
  4. Set up two environment variables to point to the source tree.

     $ export F_HOME=/path/to/kinomajs
     $ export XS6=${F_HOME}/xs6

Build the XS6 tools

    $ cd ${XS6}
    $ mkdir tmp
    $ cd tmp
    $ cmake ${XS6}
    $ cmake --build . --config Release

Update the PATH environment variable to include the path to the XS6 tools:

$ export PATH=${PATH}:${XS6}/bin/linux/$(uname -m)/Release

Optional: Build xsbug, a graphical debugger used as an alternative to the Kinoma Studio debugger.

    $ kprconfig6 -p linux/gtk -x -m ${XS6}/xsbug/manifest.json

The xsbug application is located at ${F_HOME}/bin/linux/gtk/Release/xsbug/xsbug

Build your KinomaJS Application

Build the Balls sample application that is included in the KinomaJS respository.

    $ cd ${F_HOME}
    $ kprconfig6 -x -m -p linux/gtk ${F_HOME}/kinoma/kpr/applications/balls/manifest.json

The balls application is located at ${F_HOME}/bin/linux/gtk/Release/Balls/Balls

Windows Target


Building KinomaJS for Windows builds uses a computer running Windows as the build host.

Building KinomaJS for Windows requires a machine running Windows 7 or greater. It is built with the Visual Studio development tools. We have used Visual Studio 2013 Express and Visual Studio 2015 Express.

Install the developer tools (Visual Studio Express)

Download Visual Studio Express from the Visual Studio Community Download Page

Once downloaded, select the Custom install method to install the following packages:

  • Common Tools for Visual C++ 2015
  • Windows XP Support for C++
  • Git for Windows

Install CMake

Download Cmake from the CMake Download Page

Select the "Windows (Win32 Installer)" link.

Update the PATH environment variable to include the paths for git and cmake.

Windows 32-bit

    C:\Program Files\Git\cmd;C:\Program Files\CMake\bin

Windows 64-bit

    C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\cmd;C:\Program Files (x86)\CMake\bin

Get the KinomaJS source tree

  1. Get a copy of the KinomaJS source code. It can be downloaded using your web browser from the KinomaJS repository on GitHub or using the git command line tool:

     > git clone https://github.com/kinoma/kinomajs.git
  2. Set up two environment variables to point to the source tree.

     Start > Control Panel > System- > Advanced system settings > 
     	Advanced  > Environment Variables...
     F_HOME=\path\to\kinomajs     (example: F_HOME=c:\Users\me\kinomajs)
     XS6=\path\to\kinomajs\xs6    (example: XS6=c:\Users\me\kinomajs\xs6)

Build the XS6 tools

  1. Launch a Visual Studio Command Prompt

     Start->All Programs->Visual Studio Command Prompt (2013)
  2. Build the XS6 tools

     > cd %XS6%
     > mkdir tmp
     > cd tmp
     > cmake %XS6%
     > cmake --build . --config Release

Update the PATH environment variable to include the path to the XS6 tools:

    > set PATH=%PATH%;%XS6%\bin\win\Release

Optional: Build xsbug, a graphical debugger used as an alternative to the Kinoma Studio debugger.

    > kprconfig6 -p win -x -m %XS6%\xsbug\manifest.json

The xsbug application is located at %F_HOME%\bin\win\Release\xsbug\xsbug.exe

Build your KinomaJS Application

Build the Balls sample application that is included in the KinomaJS respository.

    $ cd %F_HOME%
    $ kprconfig6 -x -m -p win %F_HOME%\kinoma\kpr\applications\balls\manifest.json

The balls application is located at %F_HOME%\bin\win\Release\balls\balls.exe

iOS Target


iOS applications are built on a Mac OS X build host. If you have already set up your Mac OS X build host and XS6 tools, skip to the Build your KinomaJS Application section.

On Mac OS X, the KinomaJS build uses Homebrew to manage installation and maintenance of CMake.

Set-up your Mac OS X host build environment

  1. Install the current version of Xcode from Apple's App Store. (As of the writing of this document, that is version 7.2) After installing, run Xcode to accept the license agreement and install any required additional components.

  2. Install Homebrew (http://brew.sh/)

     $ ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"
     $ brew install caskroom/cask/brew-cask
  3. Install CMake

     $ brew install cmake
  4. Get a copy of the KinomaJS source code. It can be downloaded using your web browser from the KinomaJS repository on GitHub or using the git command line tool:

     $ git clone https://github.com/kinoma/kinomajs.git
  5. Set up two environment variables to point to the source tree.

     $ export F_HOME=/path/to/kinomajs
     $ export XS6=${F_HOME}/xs6

Build the XS6 tools

    $ cd ${XS6}
    $ mkdir tmp
    $ cd tmp
    $ cmake ${XS6}
    $ cmake --build . --config Release

Update the PATH environment variable to include the path to the XS6 tools:

    $ export PATH=${PATH}:${XS6}/bin/mac/Release

Optional: Build xsbug, a graphical debugger used as an alternative to the Kinoma Studio debugger.

    $ kprconfig6 -p mac -x -m ${XS6}/xsbug/manifest.json

The xsbug application is located at ${F_HOME}/bin/mac/Release/xsbug.app

Build your KinomaJS Application

Build the Balls sample application that is included in the KinomaJS respository.

    $ cd ${F_HOME}
    $ kprconfig6 -x -m -p ios ${F_HOME}/kinoma/kpr/applications/balls/manifest.json

The balls application is located at ${F_HOME}/bin/ios/Release/Balls.ipa

If you have multiple developer accounts, you will be warned to include a codesign switch on the command line. To list the certificates you have installed use:

    $ security find-identity -v -p codesigning

Then add the switch -csi to your build line with the ID of the certificate to use:

    $ kprconfig6 -x -m -p ios -csi <ID> ${F_HOME}/kinoma/kpr/applications/balls/manifest.json

Android target


Building KinomaJS for Android uses Mac OS X as the build host.

In addition to the Mac OS X build host setup, KinomaJS for Android requires that you install the Android NDK and SDK.

On Mac OS X, the KinomaJS build uses Homebrew to manage installation and maintenance of CMake, Java, the Android SDK and Android NDK.

Set-up your Mac OS X host build environment and Android tools

  1. Install the current version of Xcode from Apple's App Store. (As of the writing of this document, that is version 7.2) After installing, run Xcode to accept the license agreement and install any required additional components.

  2. Install Homebrew (http://brew.sh/)

     $ ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"
     $ brew install caskroom/cask/brew-cask
  3. Install CMake

     $ brew install cmake
  4. Install Java, and the Android SDK and NDK

     $ brew cask install java
     $ brew install android-sdk android-ndk ant
  5. Set up two environment variables to point to the Android SDK and Android NDK install locations.

     $ export ANDROID_SDK=/usr/local/opt/android-sdk
     $ export ANDROID_NDK=/usr/local/opt/android-ndk
  6. Update the Android tools

     $ android update sdk -u -t platform-tools
     $ android update sdk -u -t android-17
     $ android update sdk -u -t $(android list sdk -e | grep build-tools | sed -ne 's/.*"\(.*\)".*/\1/p' | head -1)
  7. Get a copy of the KinomaJS source code. It can be downloaded using your web browser from the KinomaJS repository on GitHub or using the git command line tool:

     $ git clone https://github.com/kinoma/kinomajs.git
  8. Set up two environment variables to point to the source tree.

     $ export F_HOME=/path/to/kinomajs
     $ export XS6=${F_HOME}/xs6

Build the XS6 tools

    $ cd ${XS6}
    $ mkdir tmp
    $ cd tmp
    $ cmake ${XS6}
    $ cmake --build . --config Release

Update the PATH environment variable to include the path to the XS6 tools:

    $ export PATH=${PATH}:${XS6}/bin/mac/Release

Optional: Build xsbug, a graphical debugger used as an alternative to the Kinoma Studio debugger.

    $ kprconfig6 -p mac -x -m ${XS6}/xsbug/manifest.json

The xsbug application is located at ${F_HOME}/bin/mac/Release/xsbug.app

Build your KinomaJS Application

Build the Balls sample application that is included in the KinomaJS respository.

    $ cd ${F_HOME}
    $ kprconfig6 -x -m -p android ${F_HOME}/kinoma/kpr/applications/balls/manifest.json

The balls application .apk is located at $F_HOME/bin/android/Balls/Release/balls/balls.app

Transfer to your Android device and run.

    $ adb -d install -r ${F_HOME}/bin/android/Release/Balls/Balls.apk

Kinoma Create Target



Building KinomaJS for linux/aspen uses a Linux build host.

The build system uses linux/aspen as the target platform to build Kinoma Create.

Set-up your host build environment

  1. Install the developer tools and CMake

     $ sudo apt-get install build-essential checkinstall
     $ sudo apt-get install libgtk-3-dev libasound2-dev zlib1g-dev
     $ sudo apt-get install cmake
  2. For a 64-bit Linux, install 32-bit libraries

     $ sudo apt-get install zlib1g:i386 lib32stdc++6
  3. Install the linux/aspen toolchain and sysroot

     $ mkdir /your/buildtools/path
     $ cd /your/buildtools/path
     $ wget http://downloads.kinoma.com/aspen/sysroot.tbz
     $ tar -jxvf sysroot.tbz
     $ wget http://downloads.kinoma.com/aspen/toolchain.tbz
     $ tar -jxvf toolchain.tbz
  4. Get a copy of the KinomaJS source code. It can be downloaded using your web browser from the KinomaJS repository on GitHub or using the git command line tool:

     $ git clone https://github.com/kinoma/kinomajs.git
  5. Set up two environment variables to point to the source tree.

     $ export F_HOME=/path/to/kinomajs
     $ export XS6=${F_HOME}/xs6
  6. Set up two environment variables to the linux/aspen cross-compiler and sysroot.

     $ export ARM_MARVELL_LINUX_GNUEABI=/your/buildtools/path/arm-marvell-linux-gnueabi
     $ export FSK_SYSROOT_LIB=/your/buildtools/path/arm-bin

Build the XS6 tools

    $ cd ${XS6}
    $ mkdir tmp
    $ cd tmp
    $ cmake ${XS6}
    $ cmake --build . --config Release

Update the PATH environment variable to include the path to the XS6 tools:

$ export PATH=${PATH}:${XS6}/bin/linux/$(uname -m)/Release

Optional: Build the xsbug debugger: xsbug is a graphical debugger used as an alternative to the Kinoma Studio debugger.

    $ kprconfig6 -p linux/gtk -x -m ${XS6}/xsbug/manifest.json

The xsbug application is located at ${F_HOME}/bin/linux/gtk/Release/xsbug/xsbug

Build your KinomaJS Application

Build the Balls sample application that is included in the KinomaJS respository.

    $ cd ${F_HOME}
    $ kprconfig6 -x -m -p linux/aspen ${F_HOME}/kinoma/kpr/applications/balls/manifest.json

The balls application is located at ${F_HOME}/bin/linux/aspen/Release/Balls.tgz

Transfer the .tgz file to your device and decompress.

Using Xcode


When building for Mac OS X or iOS build targets, the Xcode IDE can be useful during development, particularly for debugging. The XS6 build tools can generate an Xcode project for Mac OS X and iOS targets.

  1. Add -I to the build line to create an Xcode project

     $ kprconfig6 -I -x -p ios ${F_HOME}/kinoma/kpr/applications/balls/manifest.json
  2. From Xcode, choose the Application and simulator or iOS device.


  3. Select the Play button. The iPhone simulator will launch with the balls app.

  4. This also works with the mac target.

     $ kprconfig6 -I -x -p mac ${F_HOME}/kinoma/kpr/applications/balls/manifest.json

Kinoma Element (MW302) Target



Building KinomaJS for Element uses a Mac OS X build host. Applications are built on a Mac OS X build host. If you have already set up your Mac OS X build host and XS6 tools, skip to the Build your KinomaJS Application section.

The build system uses mc as the target platform to build for Kinoma Element.

On Mac OS X, the KinomaJS build uses Homebrew to manage installation and maintenance of CMake.

Set-up your Mac OS X host build environment

  1. Install the current version of Xcode from Apple's App Store. (As of the writing of this document, that is version 7.2) After installing, run Xcode to accept the license agreement and install any required additional components.

  2. Install Homebrew (http://brew.sh/)

     $ ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"
     $ brew install caskroom/cask/brew-cask
  3. Install CMake

     $ brew install cmake
  4. Get a copy of the KinomaJS source code. It can be downloaded using your web browser from the KinomaJS repository on GitHub or using the git command line tool:

     $ git clone https://github.com/kinoma/kinomajs.git
  5. Set up two environment variables to point to the source tree.

     $ export F_HOME=/path/to/kinomajs
     $ export XS6=${F_HOME}/xs6

Build the XS6 tools

Building KinomaJS for Element currently requires a non-parallel build. Set the MAKEFLAGS environment variable:

	$ export MAKEOPTS=-j1

    $ cd ${XS6}
    $ mkdir tmp
    $ cd tmp
    $ cmake ${XS6}
    $ cmake --build . --config Release
    $ cmake --build . --target mc

Update the PATH environment variable to include the path to the XS6 tools:

    $ export PATH=${PATH}:${XS6}/bin/mac/Release

Optional: Build xsbug, a graphical debugger used as an alternative to the Kinoma Studio debugger.

    $ kprconfig6 -p mac -x -m ${XS6}/xsbug/manifest.json

The xsbug application is located at ${F_HOME}/bin/mac/Release/xsbug.app

Build your KinomaJS Application

Build the Kinoma Element simulator that is included in the KinomaJS respository.

    $ cd ${F_HOME}
    $ kprconfig6 -d -x -m ${F_HOME}/kinoma/kpr/projects/element/manifest.json

The simulator application is located at ${F_HOME}/bin/mac/Debug/ElementShell.app