
Ansible module for interacting with Waldur-based clouds.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Ansible module for Waldur

Waldur-based solutions can be managed with Ansible modules to allow provisioning and management of infrastructure under Waldur through Ansible playbooks.

Supported functionality

  • OpenStack management.
  • SLURM HPC management
  • Common client for Waldur APIs in Python.

See also: http://docs.ansible.com/ansible/modules.html


pip install ansible-waldur-module

Example usage

Configure an Ansible playbook with parameters

  name: Trigger master instance
    access_token: "{{ access_token }}"
    api_url: "{{ api_url }}"
    flavor: m1.micro
    floating_ip: auto
    image: CentOS 7 x86_64
    name: "{{ instance_name }}"
    project: "OpenStack Project"
    offering: Instance in Tenant
    ssh_key: ssh1.pub
    subnet: vpc-1-tm-sub-net-2
    system_volume_size: 40
    wait: false

Pass parameters to an Ansible playbook

ANSIBLE_LIBRARY=/usr/share/ansible-waldur/ ansible \
    -m waldur_marketplace_os_instance \
    -a "api_url=https://waldur.example.com/api/ access_token=9036194e1ac54cada3248a8c6b203bf7 name=instance-name project='Project name'" \

Running playbook using virtual Python environment

If you've installed Ansible Waldur module to virtual Python environment you need to specify path to Python interpreter and path to module library along with path to playbook:

ansible-playbook \
    -e ansible_python_interpreter=/home/user/ansible-env/bin/python \
    -M /home/user/ansible-env/lib/python3.8/site-packages/ \


  1. See general guidelines: https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/dev_guide/developing_modules_general.html

  2. Install pre-commit and tox

    pip install tox pre-commit
    pre-commit install
  3. When new module is implemented, don't forget to update py_modules section in setup.py file.

  4. When new module is implemented, it should be covered with tests. Run tests using tox

  5. Module name should consist of three parts separated by underscore: waldur, plugin name, entity name. For example, waldur_os_snapshot refers to OpenStack (OS) as plugin name and snapshot as entity name.