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Waldur on RKE2

RKE2 installation and setup

To install Waldur on top of RKE2 you need to:

  1. Install Ansible with version >= 2.10 and ensure python3 is installed.

  2. Download Waldur K8s Boostrap repository: https://github.com/waldur/waldur-k8s-bootstrap

  3. At least 3 nodes with minimal requirements for Kubernetes nodes

    8GB RAM
    4 vCPU
    30GB for system volume and a dedicated 60GB for storage (Longhorn)
  4. Install kubernetes.core collection from ansible galaxy.

    ansible-galaxy collection install kubernetes.core
    ansible-galaxy collection install ansible.posix
    # or
    curl -L -o ansible-galaxy/kubernetes-core-2.4.0.tar.gz --create-dirs https://galaxy.ansible.com/download/kubernetes-core-2.3.2.tar.gz
    ansible-galaxy collection install ansible-galaxy/kubernetes-core-2.4.0.tar.gz
    curl -L -o ansible-galaxy/ansible-posix-1.4.0.tar.gz https://galaxy.ansible.com/download/ansible-posix-1.4.0.tar.gz
    ansible-galaxy collection install ansible-galaxy/ansible-posix-1.4.0.tar.gz
  5. Create a new configuration file ansible-config/rke2_vars.custom for overrides.

  6. (Optional) Run the playbook to setup infrastructure (Kubernetes and Longhorn):

    cd ansible-config
    ansible-playbook -D -i rke2_inventory install-infrastructure.yaml
  7. Run the playbook to install Waldur and dependencies:

    cd ansible-config
    ansible-playbook -D -i rke2_inventory install-applications.yaml

You can check Waldur release installation with the following steps:

  1. ssh to a node from inventory with initial_server=true and check all the pods from the default namespace:

    export KUBECONFIG=/etc/rancher/rke2/rke2.yaml
    kubectl get pods -n default

If you run Waldur in a different namespace, please adjust the value of the -n option in the last command above.

Add admin ssh keys

  1. Setup admin_keys and revoked_admin_keys vars in the ansible-config/rke2_vars file

  2. Run the corresponding playbook

    cd ansible-config
    ansible-playbook -D -i rke2_inventory add-ssh-keys.yml

Add haproxy load balancer

  1. Setup haproxy_stats_password var in the ansible-config/rke2_vars file

  2. Run the corresponding playbook

    cd ansible-config
    ansible-playbook -D -i rke2_inventory add-haproxy-host.yml

Waldur Helm configuration

A user can override default settings for Waldur Helm. The ansible-config/waldur/values.yaml is the main settings file. Additional configuration features files (e.g. for SAML2, whitelabeling, bootstrapping, etc.) can be included by placing into corresponding subdirectories of ansible-config/waldur/ folder. The paths to the subdirectories should be specified in ansible-config/waldur/values.yaml, e.g. waldur.saml2.dir value.

Waldur Helm configuration is described in the public docs; example values.yaml file: link, example additional files: link.

Update of Waldur

To update Waldur user needs to execute the corresponding playbook:

cd ansible-config
ansible-playbook -D -i rke2_inventory update-waldur.yaml

Update of Waldur dependencies

To update Waldur dependencies, a user should:

  1. Setup the desired components for update in ansible-config/rke2_vars file, e.g. set setup_postgresql to yes in case of PostgreSQL Helm chart update. NB: please, don't change chart versions manually, it can cause failure of Waldur application

  2. Run the corresponding playbook:

    cd ansible-config
    ansible-playbook -D -i rke2_inventory install-applications.yaml

Example of changes in ansible-config/rke2_vars file:

# Waldur dependency setup
setup_postgresql: yes # User can skip PostgreSQL setup
postgresql_version: 11.9.1 # Version of PostgreSQL Helm chart

setup_rabbitmq: no # User can skip RabbitMQ setup
rabbitmq_version: 10.3.5 # Version of RabbitMQ Helm chart

setup_minio: no # User can skip MinIO setup
minio_version: 11.10.16 # Version of MinIO Helm chart

With this setup, the playbook will update PostgreSQL release only. If the user wants to update RabbitMQ too, they should set setup_rabbitmq: yes

Waldur log fetching

To get logs from Waldur containers, a users needs to connect to one of the RKE2 nodes:

ssh <node-ip>

A node IP should be chosen from the inventory file (e.g. rke2_inventory).

In the node's shell, the user should run the following to setup Kubernetes client:

export KUBECONFIG=/etc/rancher/rke2/rke2.yaml

After this, the user can get Waldur API logs:

kubectl logs --tail 100 -l app=waldur-mastermind-api -n default

Same works for Celery worker:

kubectl logs --tail 100 -l app=waldur-mastermind-worker -n default

Note: if you use a non-default namespace for Waldur release, please change the value for -n option in the aforementioned command

Setup SSL certificates

NB: do not forget to set apiScheme ans homeportScheme to https in ansible-config/waldur/values.yaml

Custom certificates

To setup the SSL certificates, please do the following steps:

  1. Copy the certificate and key to the ansible-config/waldur/tls directory. NB: key must be named tls.key and cert itself - tls.crt
  2. In ansible-config/waldur/values.yaml, set ingress.tls.source to secret
  3. Update Waldur release

Let's Encrypt

To setup SSL certificates using Let's Encrypt, please do the following steps:

  1. In ansible-config/rke2_vars, set setup_lets_encrypt to yes

  2. In ansible-config/waldur/values.yaml, set ingress.tls.source to letsEncrypt

  3. Install Let's Encrypt via install-applications.yaml playbook

    ansible-playbook -D -i rke2_inventory -e "setup_k8s_dashboard=no setup_loki_prom_grafana=no setup_postgresql=no setup_rabbitmq=no setup_minio=no" install-applications.yaml
  4. Update Waldur release

Enable K8s dashboard

Make sure that K8s dashboard is deployed. Login to one of the K8s nodes.

# create / renew token for admin user
kubectl -n kubernetes-dashboard create token admin-user

# setup kubectl port fortward to k8s-dashboard service
kubectl port-forward -n kubernetes-dashboard service/kubernetes-dashboard --address 8001:443

K8s dashboard should now be accessible on port 8001 in that node -- or load balancer node on port 8001 if configured.

Recover data from DB backup

In order to apply an existing backup to database, a corresponding playbook exists.


  • This operation drops an existing database, creates an empty one and applies the pre-created backup
  • During restoration process, the site will be unavailable

During execution, you will be asked about backup name. You should input it in a correct way. Example of running playbook:

TASK [List backups] ****************************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [csl-stg-kubs01] => {}


[+] MINIO_PG_BACKUPS_DIR : pg/data/backups/postgres
[+] Setting up the postgres alias for minio server (http://minio.default.svc.cluster.local:9000)
[+] Last 5 backups
[2022-12-01 05:00:02 UTC]  91KiB backup-2022-12-01-05-00.sql.gz
[2022-11-30 05:00:02 UTC]  91KiB backup-2022-11-30-05-00.sql.gz
[2022-11-29 05:00:02 UTC]  91KiB backup-2022-11-29-05-00.sql.gz
[2022-11-28 16:30:37 UTC]  91KiB backup-2022-11-28-16-30.sql.gz
[2022-11-28 16:28:27 UTC]  91KiB backup-2022-11-28-16-28.sql.gz
[+] Finished
[Choose backup]
Please enter backup's name:

After this, you should input one of the following lines:

  • backup-2022-12-01-05-00.sql.gz
  • backup-2022-11-30-05-00.sql.gz
  • backup-2022-11-29-05-00.sql.gz
  • backup-2022-11-28-16-30.sql.gz
  • backup-2022-11-28-16-28.sql.gz

Otherwise, the entire process will fail, but the site and database with old data will be still available.

To start the process, please, execute the following line in the machine connected to RKE2 nodes:

ansible-playbook -D -i rke2_inventory restore-data.yaml