Project Description.
RPG 2022 is a conference landing and about pages advocating for Renewable Power Generation with zero net carbon emission. The webpage is responsive and compatible with screen sizes lower than 768px, then higher screen sizes.
- JavaScript
- Git & Github
This project is part of a training series to highlight the need for proper documentation, best practices, and writing clean codes with html, css and Javascript.
- Have an IDE installed on your computer to be able to view the code locally.
- Have a good working knowledge of Git and Github.
- Open a command line terminal (Git bash preferrably) and navigate to a directory where you would like to save the work folder using cd.
- Clone the repository with git clone
- To get the cuurent working tree, git fetch --all, then checkout to capstone-html/css branch.
- Finally, display the content of the index.html by running a live server or by just opening the file using a web browser.
- IDE preferrably VScode
- For any individual who wishes to practice basic HTML,CSS and Javascript
- For practice of HTML5, CSS and Jvascript technologies.
👤 Wale Olapetan
- GitHub: @wale-prog
- Twitter: @Wale_Petan
Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!
Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!
- Hat tip to Cindy Shin in Behance for the original design and guidelines.
- Shoutout to @ijeomaodinko for being amazing.
- Microverse.
This project is MIT licensed.