Description of the App

Description: Simple shopping web application made only to practice building full MERN stack applications.

Use cases:

  • Create a new account.
  • Login to account.
  • Browse products.
  • Add product to cart.
  • Remove product from cart.
  • Increase/decrease quantity of a product.

Used Technologies:

  • React.js
  • Bootstrap 4
  • Node.js and Express.js
  • MongoDB

How to run the app locally

You need to have Nodejs (preferably the LTS version) and MongoDB installed on your machine.

  1. Download this project into your machine.
  2. In the root direcotry of the project, open a terminal and run npm install. After that's done, run npm run install-c.
  3. Finally, run npm run dev and you should have Node server with React dev server running on port 5000 and 3000, respectively.

There is one last step you should do, though.

  1. Import the items-collection.json collection file (that's available in the root direcotry of the project) into the items collection of your local database. You can do that easily using MongoDB Compass.

Now, you are good to go!