
Ruby Gem for Clockwork SMS, the new SMS API from Mediaburst.

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

Clockwork SMS API Ruby Gem

Gem Version


Just add the following to your Gemfile:

gem 'clockworksms'


Full documentation is at http://rubydoc.info/github/mediaburst/clockwork-ruby/master/frames. Alternatively, run yard doc and open doc/index.html.


For more information on the available optional parameters for the API (Clockwork::API), see here.

For more information on the available optional parameters for each SMS (Clockwork::SMS), see here. For more information on the response object returned from each SMS (Clockwork::SMS::Response), see here.

Send a single SMS message

require 'clockwork'
api = Clockwork::API.new( 'API_KEY_GOES_HERE' )
message = api.messages.build( :to => '441234123456', :content => 'This is a test message.' )
response = message.deliver
if response.success
    puts response.message_id
    puts response.error_code
    puts response.error_description

Alternative usage for sending an SMS message

require 'clockwork'
api = Clockwork::API.new( 'API_KEY_GOES_HERE' )
message = api.messages.build
message.to = '441234123456'
message.content = 'This is a test message.'
response = message.deliver

if response.success
    puts response.message_id
    puts response.error_code
    puts response.error_description

Send multiple SMS messages (with an optional client ID)

You should not use the Clockwork::Message#deliver method for each message, but instead use the Clockwork::API#deliver method to send multiple messages in the same API request. This will decrease load on the API and ensure your requests are processed significantly faster.

messages = [
    { :to => '441234123456', :content => 'This is a test message.', :client_id => '1' },
    { :to => '441234123456', :content => 'This is a test message 2.', :client_id => '2' },
    { :to => '441234123456', :content => 'This is a test message 3.', :client_id => '3' },
    { :to => '441234123456', :content => 'This is a test message 4.', :client_id => '4' },
    { :to => '441234123456', :content => 'This is a test message 5.', :client_id => '5' },
    { :to => '441234123456', :content => 'This is a test message 6.', :client_id => '6' }

require 'clockwork'
api = Clockwork::API.new( 'API_KEY_GOES_HERE' )
messages.each do |m|

responses = api.deliver
responses.each do |response|
    puts response.client_id
    if response.success
        puts response.message_id
        puts response.error_code
        puts response.error_description

Check balance

require 'clockwork'
api = Clockwork::API.new( 'API_KEY_GOES_HERE' )
balance = Clockwork::API.balance
puts balance # => { :account_type => "PAYG", :balance => 575.23, :currency => { :code => "GBP", :symbol => "£" } }

Help & Support

If you find a bug please file a Github issue with as much detail as you can or submit a pull request. If you need a bit of help or just fancy a chat drop us an email at hello@clockworksms.com.


This project is licensed under the MIT open-source license.

A copy of this license can be found in LICENSE.


If you have any feedback on this wrapper drop us an email to hello@clockworksms.com.

The project is hosted on GitHub at http://www.github.com/mediaburst/clockwork-ruby.

If you would like to contribute a bug fix or improvement please fork the project and submit a pull request. Please add RSpec tests for your use case.

If we don't respond to your bug report or pull request within a few days please email hello@clockworksms.com or remind @ClockworkSMS on Twitter, we probably haven't spotted the notification.

Test Setup

First, create a file at spec/spec_authentication_details containing the following:


Substitute your own API key on line 1 of the file and replace the telephone numbers in the spec files with your own.

Then, run rspec.


1.0.0 (18th July, 2012)

  • Initial release of wrapper [JI]

1.1.0 (10th September, 2012)

  • API#credit is now deprecated: use API#balance instead.

1.2.0 (30th June, 2014)

  • Compatability fixes for Ruby 1.8, 2.0 and 2.1 (Tested with 1.8.7-p375, 1.9.3-p547, 2.0.0-p481 and 2.1.2). Thanks to Paul Volpato, Todd Bealmear and Fawad for the pull requests.

1.2.1 (28th September, 2014)

  • Add some tests for the invalid_char_action and truncate parameters.
  • Fix invalid_char_action parameter as it was passing invalid values to the Clockwork API. Thanks to Tom Pesman for the fix.