
My nix configuration with home-manager

Primary LanguageNix


My personal Nix flake for home-manager on macOS.


  • Install Nix package manager:

    curl -L https://nixos.org/nix/install | bash -s -- --daemon

    You can also replace the install URL with a specific version such as https://releases.nixos.org/nix/nix-2.10.3/install (this setup has been verified to work on at least 2.10.3).

  • Install home-manager and activate the personal config (while in this directory):

      nix build \
      --extra-experimental-features "nix-command flakes" \
      --no-link \
      --print-out-paths \


After making changes to config, you can rebuild with:

home-manager switch --flake ".#personal"

To apply changes without being in this directory, replace . with the path to this directory.

Note the --extra-experimental-features flag isn't needed because our home-manager config (via the flakes module) adds the relevant lines to ~/.config/nix/nix.conf.

Updating dependencies

Dependencies are defined in flake.nix and versions are pinned in flake.lock.

  • To update all dependencies:

    nix flake update
  • To update a specific depedency (such as nixpkgs):

    nix flake lock --update-input nixpkgs


If you get the following error when trying to switch:

cannot fetch input 'path:./overlays/vim-plugins?...' because it uses a relative path

It's likely because changes were made to vim-plugins-overlay without updating the lock file. You may need to update it with the following command:

nix flake lock --update-input vim-plugins-overlay

Garbage collection

There are various levels of cleanup you can do:

# Clean up files not used by any generations of the current profile

# Clean up files not used by the current generation of the current profile
nix-collect-garbage -d

# Clean up files not used by the current generation for any profile
sudo nix-collect-garbage -d


In the past, it has been recommended to also run sudo mdutil -i off /nix after installation to disable spotlight indexing, but recent versions of the installer set the nobrowse option in the mount options, accomplishing the same thing. See the macOS installation section of the documentation for details.


Some resources I found useful during setup: