This repository contains all the scripts needed to reproduce experiments from our ECRTS-18 paper:
Protecting Real-Time GPU Kernels on Integrated CPU-GPU SoC Platforms
- NVIDIA Jetson TX-2 Board
- CUDA Runtime Library (Version-8.0)
- Linux for Tegra (Version 28.1)
- Python (Version 2.7)
- Git
- Matplotlib
- kernel: Placeholder directory for hosting Linux for Tegra kernel
- dynamic_linker: Contains shared library code for intercepting CUDA Runtime API calls
- kernel_module: Contains source code of BWLOCK++ kernel module
- benchmarks: Placeholder directory for hosting benchmarks
- scripts: Contains bash and python scripts for automatically running BWLOCK++ experiments
[Pre-Requisite] We require that the TX-2 be flashed with Jetpack-3.1 before proceeding with the following steps. Please note that flashing the board will erase all data from its internal storage so please back-up any important material you have on your TX-2 board before proceeding any further. All these steps are meant to be executed on the TX-2 board.
- Launch a bash shell. Install Git.
sudo apt-get install git
- Clone this repository.
git clone
- Launch a sudo shell.
sudo bash
- Install BWLOCK++ patched kernel on board (Long Operation - ~1 Hour). All the steps required to do so are automated in this script ( located in BWLOCK-GPU/kernel/ directory. Please note that this requires an active internet connection.
[CAUTION] Please note that running this script will over-write the existing kernel in the /boot/ directory on your TX-2 board!
cd BWLOCK-GPU/kernel
- Reboot the system. Go to the BWLOCK-GPU git repository
- Setup the benchmarks used in BWLOCK++ evaluation. This is automated by the following script ( in BWLOCK-GPU/benchmarks/ directory. Please note that this requires an active internet connection.
cd benchmarks
cd ..
[IMPORTANT] Set root path variable (root_path) in this script ( located in BWLOCK-GPU/scripts/ directory. The root path is defined as the absolute path in your system where the BWLOCK-GPU repository is located. For example, in our test sytem, the repository is located at /home/nvidia/BWLOCK-GPU which is set as the root path.
Launch sudo shell
sudo bash
- Build all the test materials (benchmarks and kernel module). This is automated by the following script ( located in BWLOCK-GPU/scripts/ directory.
cd scripts
- Run the sanity check experiment ( located in BWLOCK-GPU/scripts/ directory; to verify that everything is correctly setup in your system. The script takes ~1-minute to complete.
- Given that your system passes the sanity check, BWLOCK++ is ready to be evaluated on it. However, before proceeding with the final script, install the matplotlib package which is used by the final script for plotting graphs.
apt-get install python-matplotlib
- Reboot the system. Once the system reboots, go to the directory BWLOCK-GPU/scripts. Relaunch sudo shell and then put the board into maximum performance state using this script ( located in BWLOCK-GPU/scripts/ directory.
[NOTE] The script ( will shutdown the GUI on TX-2 board. We suggest that you switch to a TTY terminal (CTRL + ALT + <Function-Key>) before executing this script!
sudo bash
cd BWLOCK-GPU/scripts
- Run the final evaluation script ( located in BWLOCK-GPU/scripts/ directory; which runs all the experiments from our paper (Protecting Real-Time GPU Kernels on Integrated CPU-GPU SoC Platforms). This will take significant amount of time (Approximately 2 to 3 hours).
- If everything goes alright, the following directory (BWLOCK-GPU/scripts/figures/) should contain all the generated figures.
By following the instructions mentioned above, the following figures from the paper should get generated in (BWLOCK-GPU/scripts/figures/) directory:
- Figure-1
- Figure-5 (a, b, c)
- Figure-6 (a, b, c)
- Figure-7
- Figure-8
- Figure-9
- Figure-10
In case, one of the individual figures need to be generated from the figures mentioned above, please use the scripts present in this folder (individual_figures) which is located in the BWLOCK-GPU/scripts/ directory. In order to do that, either copy the script for the figure you want to reproduce form the directory (BWLOCK-GPU/scripts/individual_figures/) to the directory (BWLOCK-GPU/scripts/) and then run it OR change the directory to BWLOCK-GPU/scripts and execute the script directly from there (As demonstrated below).
[NOTE] By default, the scripts in individual_figures directory will plot the figure with the existing data in results directory. However, if the data itself needs to be collected, the script should be run with run_the_experiment option.
# Current Directory: BWLOCK-GPU/scripts
# The following command will plot Figure-1 using the existing data in results/motivation folder
# The following command will collect the data for Figure-1 and then plot the graph using the new data
./individual_figures/ run_the_experiment