ARPEJ Scraper

ARPEJ Scraper is a tool designed to scrape the ARPEJ website for available residences and send email notifications when matching properties are found.


This tool automates the process of checking the ARPEJ website for available residences. It filters results based on user-defined criteria such as maximum price and location, and notifies the user via email and desktop notifications.


To get started, follow these steps:

  1. Install Python Dependencies:

    • Ensure you have Python installed.
    • Install the required Python packages using the command:
      pip install -r requirements.txt
  2. Set Up ChromeDriver:

    • Download ChromeDriver and ensure it matches your installed version of Chrome.
    • Add ChromeDriver to your system's PATH or note its path for later use.
  3. Install Google Chrome:

    • Ensure Google Chrome is installed on your system.


  1. Configuration:

    • Create a configs.json file based on the configs.json.example. Fill in the following details:
      • windows_chromedriver_path: Path to your ChromeDriver.
      • NOTIFICATION_EMAIL: The email address where notifications will be sent.
      • arpej_link: The URL of the ARPEJ page with your desired filters.
      • max_price: The maximum price you're willing to pay for a residence.
      • SMTP_HOST and SMTP_PORT: Set to your email provider's SMTP settings (defaults are for Hotmail).
  2. Excluding Unwanted Residences:

    • Create an all_unwanted_arpej.txt file and list URLs of residences you are not interested in. If there are no unwanted residences, keep this file empty.
  3. Email Setup:

    • Create a .env file based on the .env.example and include the email credentials for the account that will send notifications.
  4. Running the Script:

    • Ensure the path to is correctly set in run_script.bat.
    • Use Windows Task Scheduler to run the script periodically by creating a basic task.


  • Scrapes the ARPEJ page for available residences.
  • Filters out unwanted residences and those exceeding the budget.
  • Stores details of matching residences.
  • Sends email notifications with a table of available residences.
  • Displays a Windows desktop notification upon finding a match.


Contributions are welcome! Feel free to open a pull request or issue on GitHub. For any questions, bug reports, or feature requests, contact the developer at